Sending an email on behalf of another staff member

You can use the Send Email(s) window to send an email on behalf of another staff member.

  1. Right click on a grid and select either Email Record or Email all Records.
    The Send Emails(s) window is displayed.
  2. Update the fields as required.
  3. Click .
    The Email Authentication window is displayed.
  4. If you are sending the email on behalf of another staff member:
    • Click .
    The Staff Search window is displayed.
    • Search for the staff member.
    • Click .

    For configuration details, see OverrideSenderText configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.

  5. Click .
    The record or records are sent to the email recipient. If you are sending the email on behalf of another staff member:
    • text is inserted at the start of the email
    • the other staff member will receive a copy of the email.