Updating and deleting records

Updating and deleting records

When you make a change to a record, the changes are automatically saved into the database when you exit from the record or move to another record. The only exception to this is changes to the general ledger. These are not saved until you close off the GL.

If someone else is making a change to the same record at the same time as you, the first person to save their changes has priority. The other person will get an error message when they try to save their changes.

If you get an error message while saving, refresh the data by clicking the  icon on the toolbar, make your changes again and save.

There are audit trails showing who updated a record. For example, in Community Maintenance the Maint tab shows an audit trail of the users who have made changes to the record.

If you delete a record from the database, you may not be able to retrieve it. Exceptions include when:

  • Future student records have been moved to the Future Student archive.
  • Debtors have been deleted. Deleted debtors are placed in an archive but not all data can be retrieved.

    Note: Rather than deleting a debtor, you should make them inactive. All their details are kept and you can re-activate them if necessary. See Deleting debtors or making them inactive in the Debtors manual.
  • A backup of the server is available. In this case, Synergetic Management Systems may be able to retrieve the deleted data however charges may apply.

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