Using the Send Email window

Depending on how Synergetic email is set up at your organisation, you may see this window when you click on the email icon to start email.

If you do not see this window, see the Using the Send Email(s) window.


To create a new email message when using Community Maintenance:

  1. Open the Relations tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Relations tab in the Community manual.
    Note: You can also send emails from the Contacts tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Contacts tab in the Current students manual.
  2. Either:
    • click on the main toolbar, for the current community member
    • click  on the Relations tab of Community Maintenance, for the selected relation
    • select Action > Send Email from the main menu
    • press the Ctrl + E key combination.
    The Send Email window is displayed.

  3. Fill in details as you normally would in email.
  4. Click .

Send Email window key fields and buttons
Compose Email area fields




Email address of the community member(s) you are emailing.
If the person you are currently viewing has an email address defined in Community Maintenance, then this email address is used. If they do not have an email address defined, you will need to enter it when prompted.
You can add additional email addresses in this field. Separate them with a semicolon (;).


Email address of others you want to send a copy of the email to.


Summarise the reason for sending the email.


Enter your detailed message in the body of the email.


Records the directory structure and file name of the attachment.

MAPI Profile Name

Select the email profile to use. See UseMAPI configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.

Classification Code

Select the document classification from the drop-down list. See Communications Maintenance - DocMan tab in the Development manual.

Compose Email area buttons



Send the email.

Browse for a file to attach to the email.