Searching for courses

Use the Set Course Search Criteria window to search for existing courses. Enter the information you have about the course, then click . See Searching in the Introduction manual for details on how to use the search tools.

If the course is not found, click to add a new course from this window. See Creating new courses.


 Opening the Set Course Search Criteria window

To open the Set Course Search Criteria window:

  1. Select Module > Students or Assessments > Course Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Course Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the course functions by clicking  or .
  2. In the Set Course Search Criteria window, type in the information you know about the course.

Set Course Search Criteria window key fields



File Type

Search for courses by academic or co-curricular area.


Search for courses by campus.

Course Code

Search for courses by course code.


Search for courses by description.

Linked Course Code

Search for courses that feed into another course.

Commission Link Course Code

Search for courses that feed into another course and count as enrolments when calculating agent commissions.

Active Courses


  • Yes to only search for active courses.
  • No to only search for inactive courses.
  • Ignore to search for all courses.