Course Maintenance - Classes tab

Use the Classes tab to maintain the list of all the classes that are assessed as part of this course. From this tab you can either:

  • add either single or multiple classes
  • insert a class to replace another
  • delete a class
  • move the classes into a different order or sequence in the list.


 Opening the Classes tab

To open the Classes tab:

  1. Select Module > Students or Assessments > Course Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Course Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the course functions by clicking  or .
  2. Search for the course. See Searching for courses.
    The General tab of the Course Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Classes tab.
    The Classes tab of the Course Maintenance window is displayed.

Course Maintenance - Classes tab key fields and buttons




Year & Term

Year and term or semester of the course.

The current file term is displayed by default.

Show All Course Classes

Select to display all classes associated with the course regardless of the year and term that they occur in.

Auto Select Classes Only

Select to show all classes linked to the course. If this field is not selected, you only see classes that have Auto Select for Course selected in the General tab of Class Maintenance.

Grid area fields




Class code.


Description of the class.


Unique code for the staff member primarily responsible for the class.

Auto Select

Whether or not the class has Auto Select for Course selected in the General tab of Class Maintenance.


Year of the associated class.


Term or semester of the associated class.




Launch the Class Maintenance window for the selected class. See Maintaining classes in the Assessments and reports manual.

Add multiple classes to the list.
The Class Search window is displayed.

Select the class to add and click . Repeat to add more classes.

Delete the highlighted class.

Move the selected class up or down in the list.