Importing and exporting timetables

Importing and exporting timetables

Most organisations use one of the following timetabling applications:

  • Timetabler
  • Timechart
  • FirstClass 2000
  • Maze
  • WinSchool
  • PrimaryTime
  • custom-built for your organisation.

The Timetable Import/Export Definition window in Synergetic allows you to import or export timetables, and related data, from any one of these applications. Timetabler and Timechart provide the cleanest integration with Synergetic.

Timetable packages can typically produce three files that are useful in Synergetic:

  • Classes. The student ID is linked to the class. Only active staff members are assigned classes.
  • Subjects. This contains the subject classes and descriptions.
  • Timetable. This typically contains the day, periods, classes and teachers.

Importing timetables and related data

To import timetables and their related data into Synergetic:

  1. Import student classes into Synergetic. See:

    Importing student classes into the Synergetic timetable.
    • Importing student classes using a custom class definition.

    PrimaryTime imports the classes and timetable together.
  2. Import or update subject classes into Synergetic. See Importing or updating subject classes in the Synergetic timetable.
  3. Import timetables into Synergetic. See Importing timetables into Synergetic.
  4. If the import process fails, check the data in the timetabling application and in Synergetic. See Resolving problems when importing or exporting timetables.

    Imports often fail because a new student or staff member has been created in one program but not the other.
  5. If the import process fails, fix the problem and repeat from step 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate.

Exporting timetables

You can export student information, classes and teaching staff from Synergetic and manipulate the information in the timetabling application. See Exporting timetables from Synergetic.

Custom timetabling programs

You can define class timetable definitions for custom timetabling applications. Use this function if you manage your timetable in another application such as a spreadsheet. See Defining custom class definitions for importing timetables.