Course Maintenance - Charges tab

Use the Charges tab to maintain all the financial details of the course including:

  • the overall cost
  • the deposit required
  • whether payment by instalments is allowed, and
  • what debtor fee code to assign the course to.


 Opening the Charges tab

To open the Charges tab:

  1. Select Module > Students or Assessments > Course Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Course Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the course functions by clicking  or .
  2. Search for the course. See Searching for courses.
    The General tab of the Course Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Charges tab.
    The Charges tab of the Course Maintenance window is displayed.

Course Maintenance - Charges tab key fields and buttons




Fee Code

Debtor fee code that the charge is allocated to.

You can search for fee codes by right clicking on the Fee Code field and selecting Find Debtor Fee Code.

The fee codes listed here depend on your configuration settings. See luDebtorFeeCategory lookup table in the Finance manual.


Description of the charge.


Amount to be charged.

Charge Date

Date the charge is issued.




Launch the Debtor Fee Maintenance window for the selected fee. See Maintaining debtor fees in the Debtors manual.

Add a new charge.

Delete the currently selected charge.

Move the selected charge up the list.

Move the selected charge down the list.

Replace the current charges with the charges listed for another course.