Victoria Curriculum Webinar Session
Victoria Curriculum Webinar Session
Webinar video
- Do we use RE or REN for the curriculum framework?
You can use either one but it will depend on which one is mandated. RE (Religious Education) was used for AUSVels and REN (Religious Education (Renewed)) has been developed for Victoria Curriculum. - Should we be using the Grey Highlighted expected results as well as the triangle (hat symbol) at the same time?
No. Schools can choose how they want to proceed in this area. They can choose to have expected results or using the grey area or neither. It is not recomended to use both at the same time. You can turn off (deactive) the Grey highlighted expected results in the Configuration maintenance program -StudentReportsPrint|CurriculumFramework|ReportExpectedYearLevelArea. - Should the expected results be forced for not?
This depends on the purpose of the expected results. If the school wants to set what the expected results then they need to be force read. To do this first enter the results in student results maintenance. It is recommened to make all expected resulttypes to have the same reportgroup so they are easy to force read only in lookup table maintenance. - What version is this coming out in and when will it be available
v67.24.5 - it will be available very soon after testing has finalised the last of the checking. Recommend contacting support to book in an upgrade as soon as it is available. - Do we need to calculate each individual calculation before showing the report or is there one calculation check that be run for them all?
Yes. To calculate AUSVels, Religious Education and EAL you will need to do each calculation individually. This will hopefully be removed in a future upgrade to allow you to calculate all results in one go. There is not timeline as of yet for that release. - Can we show the AUSVels previous result and the Vic Curric result on the report to show their progression?
By default no. The AUSVels and Victorian Curriculum are not the same. You will not be able compare them. If this is a requirement you can contact Synergetic to get this convertered across to show a progression. - Is Religion using the same report as the other subjects?
Yes same report - Can staff run the check themselves using Student Result Calculations when wanting to see the report?
No. - Can you run the calculations check without having all results present?
Yes. To change this you will need to chance a configuration setting. Default is set to one. Use the comment on the left to choose the appriopriate number. It affects Victoria Curriculum and not just AusVELS. The comment will be updated shortly. The key is StudentResultsCalculations|AusVELS|CalculationMode - How can you check to see if teachers have not entered results yet?
In Student Results Calculations, under the assess module, you can select the tick box of 'Check for Missing Results Only (No Calculation)" to see any missing results. - Can you use classify on normal result types?
Yes? To be confirmed. It is not specific to the Victorian Curriculum - Can you set default values for assessment results.
Yes you can set default values. This is linked to luReportResultType and is only set in the assessment maintenance module in windows. There is an icon that allows you to set the default value. NOTE: This will not be useful for the Victorian Curriculum or AusVELS as it will set the default value for all results that are using that result type. The default result type will be different between classes and year levels. It is best to create the default but bulk setting them, either at a teacher or admin level, inside assessment area mainteance. An admin can set it for all the specific class in a year - this would be the quickest way. - Is there a modified report?
There is a group of three reports currently with a few others being implement very soon. The standard reports have coding that is turned off that allows a school to configure the emoji (black circle) to their choosing. Also it allows an arrow (→ ← ) to be setup for those students who are well below or well above. More reports could be developed in the future and custom school reports are always an option depening on the requirements.
, multiple selections available,