Synergetic Remote Access

Synergetic Remote Access

The Synergetic Remote Access system is based on Screen Connect. The system is installed locally on our server network and provides quick, reliable and secure access to client servers and workstations.

What are the benefits?

  • Enable Synergetic staff to quickly respond to issues resulting in faster resolution.
  • Synergetic staff are able to remotely access client workstations directly to view issues first hand and assist immediately if possible.
  • Synergetic staff are be able to show their workstation screens to clients during a session.
  • Securely transfer files between Synergetic and client workstations or servers.
  • Complete audit trail of who accessed what server and when. 

How does it work?

The system is comprised of three parts.

  • Synergetic staff workstation used to control the remote access session.
  • Client workstation or server that will be accessed remotely.
  • Remote access server that is located at our office that controls the session access.

Client Server Access – During the server installation, Synergetic staff will install a small application on the server. The application will connect to our remote access server and provide a link which will allow Synergetic staff to connect. The server connection sends a tiny ‘keep alive’ packet every minute or so when not in use.

Client Workstation Access - Synergetic staff will send an email invitation or set up a ‘code’ which is used to initiate a remote access session. After clicking on the link in the email or entering the code into the Synergetic Remote Access website, a small application will be downloaded and executed on the client’s workstation. The remote access session will then begin. After the session has ended, the application is removed automatically. There is no permanent software installed on the client workstation.

Please make sure to whitelist https://connect.educationhorizons.com in your firewall/router configuration.

What are the costs?

Synergetic is providing this service to clients at no cost. There is no installation, on-going maintenance or support costs passed on to clients.

Is it secure?

  • All communications are sent directly between client workstations or servers and our remote access server. Data is never through third party routers or servers.
  • All sessions are encrypted with 256 bit AES encryption.
  • Uses standard HTTPS connections. No additional ports need to be opened. Some firewalls may need additional configuration to pass through.
  • Provides direct remote access to client workstations or servers hosting Synergetic. No need to open access to your entire network unlike VPN.
  • Access to the servers can be easily controlled by disabling and enabling the ‘CDA’ or ‘synergetic’ account if you wish.
  • Remote access service can be completely disabled via scripts requiring Synergetic staff to contact client IT staff to enable before accessing the server.

What about our current connection software?

The remote access system can work alongside your existing VPN connection. There is no requirement to replace your existing remote access system.

Installation options

We understand the different needs of clients and offer different installation options for Screen Connect.

  • Screen Connect is installed directly on to the servers where Synergetic is installed. Synergetic staff would have immediate access.
  • Screen Connect is installed directly on to the servers where Synergetic is installed and the service is disabled by default. Synergetic staff would need to contact the client to request the service to be enabled before access. Scripts can be provided to enable and disable the service.
  • Screen Connect is only installed on a 'jump' server. Synergetic staff would need to log in to this server first and then use regular Remote Desktop to access the servers where Synergetic is installed.

The majority of clients opt to use the first installation method. An additional level of control can be achieved by disabling the account that Synergetic staff use to log in to the servers which can be used in conjunction with any of the installation options above.

Firewall Settings

If there are connection issues, please try reinstalling the server application. If the connection issue persists, please check and confirm the following.