How to update a certificate for Synergetic websites
How to update a certificate for Synergetic websites
Updating the certificate for the Synergetic websites is fairly straight forward. All you need is the new certificate in PFX format and the password.
- Log in to the webserver and run IIS
- With the web server name selected, from the next panel, under the 'IIS' section, click on 'Server Certificates'.
- Under 'Actions', click 'Import'. Select the new certificate file and enter the password. This will import the new certificate ready to use for any website on this server.
- Under 'Sites', select 'SynWeb'. Under 'Actions', click 'Bindings'.
- Look for bindings with type 'https' and click 'Edit'
- Under 'SSL certificate', click 'Select' next to the certificate name and select the new certificate. Click OK to save the change.
- Repeat for the other Synergetic websites (SynergeticCommunityPortal, CoreAPI etc)
, multiple selections available,