Online Leave Applications

Table of Contents


This document is to help guide users with the establishment of Online Leave Applications (OLA) in conjunction with a Finance Consultant.


Payroll Configuration Maintenance > General tab – Page 1 sub tab

The fields that specifically relate to OLA are:

Default Job Position for Leave Approvals: This is used when Synergetic is unable to establish a leave approver via job position reporting hierarchy.

Job Position for Confidential Leave Approvals: This job position will be used as the approver for any leave type that is flagged as confidential. This will be the only job position permitted to view or approve a confidential leave request as flagged in the look up table luPayrollLeave.

Payroll Configuration Maintenance > General tab – Page 2 sub tab

The following option settings affect how normal pay lines are adjusted within a current pay:

Automatically Adjust Normal Pay When Leave Entered: When selected Synergetic will adjust the normal pay based on the amount of leave taken. The user will be notified when this takes place.

Automatically Import Leave Details from Applications for Current Pays: When an employee is added to a pay and they have an approved leave application within the pay range, Synergetic will attempt to create a leave record and adjust the normal pay accordingly. This happens whether the employee is added to the current pay (either automatically or manually).

Payroll Configuration – Leave Awards

For all leave types included in the OLA process the leave code and Leave Entitlements section must be completed, even if the entitlement records are all “0” e.g., Compassionate Leave.

NB: If the Leave Entitlements section is not completed the staff member will see a warning message will not be able to submit their application.

Lookup Tables

For all leave types, where the school requires supporting documentation to be uploaded, in support of an OLA, the leave type needs to be flagged and the document classification set, for example:

Lookup Table Maintenance > luDocumentClassification

Lookup Table Maintenance – Finance > luPayrollLeave

Elevated Leave Approval Required: Only a staff member in a job position with the Leave Application Approval Authority of “Can approve any type of leave application” will be able to approve the leave.

Confidential Flag: Only a staff member in the job position identified in the Payroll Configuration > job Position for Confidential Leave Approvals will be able to approve these leave types and see these documents.

Document Classification: Classifications from Lookup Table Maintenance > luDocumentClassification must be added here for any leave types requiring a leave document uploaded in support of the application. NB: The document classification cannot be selected from the leave application screen.

Configuration File Maintenance > Staff Kiosk

Set the ShowLeaveApplicationFlag to True to enable the Leave Application section under Staff Kiosk > My Leave.

Human Resources > Job Position Maintenance

All employees need a job position applied to their payroll record for them to be able to utilise the OLA process. The fields that specifically relate to OLA are:

Reports to Job Position: the job position that will receive the notification a leave application has been lodged and have the authority to approve that leave.

Where a job position does not have a Reports to Job Position set, leave application notifications will go to the job position set in Payroll Configuration > General > Default Job Position for Leave Approvals.

Leave Application Approval Authority: The level of authority this job position has in relation to approving leave applications.

There are three options:

Cannot Approve Leave Applications.

Can approve leave applications that do not require elevated permission.

Can approve any type of leave application.

Action Centre Message

The following Action Centre messages have been added to advise targeted individuals involved in the leave application and approval process. Both can be enabled to send an email and an Action Centre Information Message.

Manager receiving a leave application: This information message is to notify a manager (who has leave approval authority) when a subordinate makes a leave application in SynWeb Staff Kiosk

Outcome of leave application: This information message is to notify the staff member the outcome of their leave application.

Group / User Security

Enable Crystal Report – PAYLVAPP - Payroll Employee Leave Applications for the relevant Group(s) involved with Payroll. NB: If you run a separate finance schema for Payroll this will need to be enabled in both entities.

Enable Select, Update, Insert and Delete rights Staff Kiosk | Leave.

Working with Leave Applications

Applying for Leave

In Synweb > Human Resources > Staff Kiosk > Leave button > Apply button

Update the Start and End dates (can be past or future) and select a Leave Type

The screen will update with the leave units requested and the leave balance (estimated). If supporting documentation is not required for this leave type, select the Submit button.

If supporting documentation is required for this leave type select the +New button, browse to where the supporting document has been saved. Additional information can be added to the Description field as required. Select Upload/Save Document then select the Submit button.

The application will show on the Leave Applications section of the Leave screen and a notification will have been sent to the employee’s line manager.

Approving Leave

Line managers approving leave will receive a notification via Action Centre and need to log into Synweb Human Resources > Staff Kiosk > Leave > Staff Leave. Under the Actions section the manager can View the application and select whether the leave request is Approved or Rejected.

The staff member will receive an Action Centre notification and on their Staff Kiosk > Leave > My Leave > they will be able to view the status of their Leave Applications. NB: the Cancel button is greyed out when an approved leave application is selected.

Cancelling or Editing Approved Leave

Where a staff member wishes to cancel or edit an approved leave application prior to the leave being processed during a current pay, the manager will need to set the approved leave application back to pending status.

The staff member’s record will update to pending and they can either edit or cancel the application.

Processing a Current Pay with Approved Leave

When Create New Pay is run approved leave records will be automatically included in the pay. The only additional task for the payroll officer is to check which leave applications have been approved and have they been applied to the Current Pay.

Check Leave Records for the Current Pay

To check which leave records should appear run PLVAPP – Payroll Employee Leave Applications.

NB: This report does not include leave types flagged as Confidential (see Section 4.3 of this Article for more information)

Approved Leave Records that cannot be applied automatically

When the new pay has been created, if Synergetic cannot apply the leave automatically a warning will populate, select OK.

The relevant employee’s current pay record will be flagged for attention. The user will be asked to accept the message and manually adjust the relevant leave line.

In the example below the employee has two Normal Pay Codes (NTEACH4 and NCASTEACH4), Synergetic has added the Leave Pay Code NPERSON below each Normal pay code.

The user will need select the Leave Pay Code and tab through until the Leave Details screen appears.

The user will add the number of leave units for this leave line and select OK.

NB: Depending on the user’s permissions they may also view the leave application from this screen.

The Units on the Normal Pay Line the leave has been applied against will automatically adjust by the leave units.

Missing Approved Leave Records

Confidential leave: Leave types flagged as confidential can only be approved, and supporting documents viewed, by the job position set in Payroll Configuration (see section 2.1 of this article). The staff member in that job position will need to advise the payroll officer and the leave will need to be manually added in current pay maintenance.

Leave Approved after Current Pay has been created: Use the Reload Button to refresh staff member’s current pay record.

Pending OLAs and line manager on leave: The Reports to job position assigns the permission to approve or decline an OLA. Where there are pending OLAs the school may consider adding the Reports to job position to an appropriate staff member (start and stop dates can be used) to enable that staff member to approve the OLA. Consideration needs to be given for this step as job positions may be linked to Group/User security and document classification. NB: When an OLA is approved the username is recorded against the transaction.


Further reading and resources are available via the Synergetic Help pages under:

Online Leave Application (