This object defines information related to a student's enrollment. StudentSchoolEnrollment instances must not span multiple school years.
Note there is only one current home enrollment at a time per student. Only one instance of the StudentSchoolEnrollment
object must exist for a given student with MembershipType
(Home School) and TimeFrame
(Current) for the time interval between EntryDate
and ExitDate
, inclusive.
A StudentSchoolEnrollment
object should be re-published when the TimeFrame
attribute changes, regardless of when the data entry is done. This is in addition to the practice of publishing the object at the time the data changes in the corresponding application.
When the object is re-published, it must contain all the data in the object that is supported by the publisher.
Implemented | Partial or Future Implementation | No Mapping |
Element/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type |
RefId | M | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies a particular enrollment. | RefIdType |
StudentPersonalRefId | M | The ID (GUID) of the student to whom this information is linked. | IdRefType |
SchoolInfoRefId | M | The ID (GUID) of the school to which this enrollment applies. | IdRefType |
MembershipType | M | The type of this enrollment as it relates to the school identified in SchoolInfoRefId. | AUCodeSetsSchoolEnrollmentTypeType |
LocalId | O | The locally-assigned identifier for this student enrollment. | LocalId |
TimeFrame | M | The timeframe of the enrollment based on the | AUCodeSetsEnrollmentTimeFrameType |
SchoolYear | M | School year for which this enrollment is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. | SchoolYearType |
EntryDate | M | The date from when this enrollment is valid. | xs:date |
EntryType | O | Container elements for EntryType information | StudentEntryContainerType |
YearLevel | O | Year or academic level of student. | YearLevelType |
Homeroom | O | Homeroom for this enrollment. | IdRefType |
SIF_RefObject | M | The name of the object referenced. | values: RoomInfo |
Advisor | O | Staff member assigned as an advisor. | IdRefType |
SIF_RefObject | M | The name of the object referenced. | values: StaffPersonal |
Counselor | O | Staff member assigned as an advisor. | IdRefType |
SIF_RefObject | M | The name of the object referenced. | values: StaffPersonal |
Homegroup | O | The name of the homegroup the student enrollment belongs to. | xs:normalizedString |
ACARASchoolId | O | ACARA School Id. | LocalIdType |
ClassCode | O | The name of the class code the student belongs to, for the purposes of NAPLAN registration. | xs:normalizedString |
TestLevel | O | Values: 3,5,7,9. The test level that the student is registering for. | YearLevelType |
ReportingSchool | O | Is this the school to which student's report is to be made available? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType |
House | O | The name of the house the student belongs to. | xs:normalizedString |
IndividualLearningPlan | O | Does this student have an individual learning plan in place? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType |
Calendar | O | The calendar assigned to this enrollment. | IdRefType |
SIF_RefObject | M | The name of the object referenced. | values: CalendarSummary |
ExitDate | C | The last school calendar day of this enrollment. If the student has exited the school or the enrollment has a | xs:date |
ExitStatus | O | Container element for exit status codes. | StudentExitStatusContainerType |
ExitType | O | StudentExitContainerType | |
FTE | O | Full-time equivalent numeric value of the student's course load during this enrollment, expressed in decimal form, where 1.00 represents a full-time enrollment. | |
FTPTStatus | O | An indication of whether the student is enrolled full time or part time. | AUCodeSetsFTPTStatusCodeType |
FFPOS | O | Enrolled Full-fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) Status. Enrolment Frame Element 10 NSCC Collection. The status of an enrolment in a CRICOS course and whether the person is liable for a fee which reflects the imputed full average cost of the person's education at the school (including both recurrent and capital costs) irrespective of the actual arrangements to meet the fee. | AUCodeSetsFFPOSStatusCodeType |
CatchmentStatus | O | Container element for location of an individual's legal residence relative to (within or outside) the boundaries of the school for this enrolment. Enrolment Catchment Status. | CatchmentStatusContainerType |
RecordClosureReason | O | The reason why this enrollment was closed. The EndOfYear option must be used to convey status change due to rollover activity. | values: SchoolExitTimeDependentDataChangeEndOfYearCampusExit |
PromotionInfo | O | Information on a student's promotion, retention, or demotion related to this enrollment instance. | PromotionInfoType |
PreviousSchool | O | If the student has previously been enrolled at a school, i.e. student is transferring, the previous school number. | LocalIdType |
DestinationSchool | O | If the student has exited the school, the local id of the school to which the student has transferred to. | LocalIdType |
StudentSubjectChoiceList | O | List of Student Subject Choices where available. | StudentSubjectChoiceListType |
StartedAtSchoolDate | O | First date the student was enrolled at this school if known. | xs:date |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_MetadataType | |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |