Submitting leave application requests

School employees can submit leave application requests using the My Leave window of the Staff Kiosk.

In this process, we'll show you how to submit a submit a leave application request including:

  • leave dates
  • leave type requested
  • relief notes and attachments for the staff member managing your role while you are on leave
  • additional relevant comments.

To submit a leave application request:

  1. Select Human Resources > Staff Kiosk from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Personal tab of the My Details window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The My Leave tab is displayed.
  3. Click  in the Leave Application area.
    The Leave Application window is displayed.

  4. Select the start of your leave using the Start Date field.
  5. Select the end of the your leave using the End Date/Return Date field.

    Note: The name of this field is:

    End date when employees return to work on their last day of leave
    • Return date when employees return to work on the first day of work after their leave. 

    You can configure whether employees return to work on their last day of leave or the first day of work after leave using the Leave Date of Return is Last Day of Leave field on the Payroll tab of Synergetic Financial Maintenance. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Payroll tab.

  6. Select the type of leave being requested using the Leave Type field.

    The Leave Requested and Leave Balance (as at last pay run) fields automatically update to display the amount of leave requested and available for the selected leave type.

    Note: You can manually update the number of units (hours in the image above) in the Leave Requested field.

  7. Type the amount of leave being requested into the Leave Requested field.
  8. Click to add relief notes or attachments, if necessary. Otherwise, proceed to Step 15.

    The Attach Document window is displayed.

    Note: You cannot edit the Source Type, Source Date, Classification or Source Code fields.

  9. Attach or link to the file. You can either:

    • Click , if you selected File in the Source Type field
    • Paste the URL into the Document URL/Link field, if you selected URL/Web Link in the Source Type field.

  10. Type a meaningful description of the document into the Description field (e.g. Relief notes - Grade 3/4B).
  11. Click .
  12. Type any additional comments into the Comment field.
  13. Click .

    The Outcome of a leave application notification is received in the Action Centre once the leave approver has processed the leave application request.