Staff Kiosk - My Bank Details window

Use the My Bank Details window to check that your bank details are accurate.

Note: You cannot change your bank details from this window. Bank details can only be changed in Synergetic.


 Opening the My Bank Details window

To open the My Bank Details window:

  1. Select Human Resources > Staff Kiosk from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Personal tab of the My Details window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The My Bank Details window is displayed.

Staff Kiosk - My Bank Details window key fields



Pay Method

The method of payment, either:

  • EFT
  • cheque
  • cash.

Split Percent

Percentage of the pay that is paid by this pay method, if pay is split between several methods.

Split Amount

Dollar amount of the pay that is paid by this pay method, if pay is split between several methods.

Bank BSB

Unique identifying code for the bank that your account is with.

Account No

The bank account that receives pays using this pay method.


Name used on the bank account, if different to your name.

Launch Links



Bank Details Change Form

Click the launch link to open a form that allows you to change your bank details.