Running the Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report

Running the Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report

Also see:  Preparing Student Census data for submission (Non-Government Schools)

You can run the Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report to preview and prepare data for the 2022 Non-Government Schools Census.

There are five export modes available for this report:

Note: You need to have security access to the STUCENS3|Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report to view the report. See Group_User Security Maintenance - Groups View.

Inclusion criteria

Each section of the report has an Excluded column for indicating the number of students excluded from the report. These students meet the criteria required to be included in the section in question but do not meet other criteria required for them to be included in the census figures. For more information about global and category-specific inclusion requirements, see Global inclusion requirements and Category-specific requirements below.

Global inclusion criteria

Students must meet all of the following requirements to be included in the census.

 Click here to view global inclusion criteria
Entry DateStudents must have an Entry Date field that is blank or on or before the census date.Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab
External Student FlagStudents must not have the External Student Flag field selected.Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab

Students must have a gender selected in the Gender field with a SynergyMeaning of either:

  • M - Male
  • F - Female
  • X - Other.

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab

luGender lookup table

IncludeInCensusFlagStudents must have the IncludeInCensusFlag field selected for their year level.luYearLevel lookup table
Leaving DateStudents must have a Leaving Date field that is blank or after the census date.Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab
Reference period

Students must have at least one of the following on a day in the reference period:

  • Class attendance
  • Absences factor (as calculated by the Absence Events Daily Calc) of less than one.

StatusStudents must have a status selected in the Status field with a SynergyMeaning other than EXTERNAL or SHORTSTAY.Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab
Year LevelStudent year levels must be mapped to DESE values using the AUSGOVNGSC external system of the Interface Settings window.Using the Interface Settings window

Category-specific inclusion criteria

Students must meet the following additional requirements to be included in each category of the census.

Important: Global criteria must be met or students will be excluded from the report.

 Click here to view category-specific inclusion criteria
BoardersStudents must have an option selected in the Boarder field with a SynergyMeaning of BOARDER.Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab
English as an Additional languageStudents must have the English as an Additional Language field selected.Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab
Full time studentsStudents must have an FTE greater than or equal to 1.Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab
Indigenous studentsStudents must have the Torres Strait Islander or Indigenous Student flag selected.Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab
Indigenous boarding students

Students must have:

  • Torres Strait Islander or Indigenous Student flag selected.
  • Option selected in the Boarder field with a SynergyMeaning of BOARDER.

Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab

Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab

Overseas studentsStudents must have the Full Fee Flag field selected.Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab
Part time studentsStudents must have an FTE less than 1.Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab
Students with Disability (Full time)

Students must have a disability record with an expiry date in the current calendar year or a blank expiry date.

Students with disabilities will be excluded when:

  • Include in Export field is not selected
  • Category field is not populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of Cognitive, Physical, Sensory or Social
  • Adjustment level field is not populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of Differentiated, Extensive, Substantial or Supplementary.

Note: Only one disability record is used per-student. The record with the Include in Export field selected is used.

Current Student Maintenance - Disability tab
Students on Visas

Students must have a visa subclasses record with the Active field selected.

Students on visas will be excluded when:

  • Visa expiry date is on or prior to the census date
  • Visa Class or Subclass areas are blank
  • Visa Subclass does not have the Active field selected.

Note: Only the top visa subclass record under the top passport record is used for each student.

Current Student Maintenance - International tab

Additional notes

  • Exchange students attending your school for less than six months are not excluded
  • Indigenous Non-Stated is not included
  • Distance Education students are not identified in Synergetic, so there are no Distance Education sections on the report
  • Home Education students are not identified by Synergetic, so they are not excluded.

Note: You can exclude home education students and exchange students attending your organisation for less than six months by selecting the External Student Flag field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.

To run the Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report:

  1. Select Module > Students > Student Crystal Reports Available.
  2. The Synergetic Crystal Reports Available window is displayed.

  3. Locate the report using the Search field.

  4. Select the Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools report in the grid area.
  5. Click .
    The Student Census - Australian Non-Government Schools window is displayed.

  6. Select the official census date using the Census Date field.

    You can check information about the census, including the official census dates, on the Schools Hub Portal website. See 2022 Non-Government Schools Census.

    This field is used to determine whether students are included or excluded from the report. For example, students with a Leaving Date before this date are excluded from the report.

  7. Select the date used to calculate the age of the students using the Age at Date field.
  8. Select the mode of the report using the Mode drop-down list. You can select:

    Summary to ignore all selections in the If using per-section options area and display all sections of the report with totals only. Proceed to Step 11.

    Tip: You can use the Excluded field of the Summary report to quickly check whether any students have been excluded from the census report.

    Detailed to ignore all selections in the If using per-section options area and display all sections of the report with totals and a list of the students represented in the totals. Proceed to Step 11.

    You can use the Detailed report to determine the reason why students have been excluded from the census report.