Setting the Final Event Indicator in Bulk

Setting the Final Event Indicator in Bulk

To set the STP Final Event Indicator in Bulk:

  1. Select Payroll > Bulk Set Final Event Indicator… from the main menu.
    The Bulk Set Final Event Indicator for STP window is displayed.
  2. Select the current payroll year in the Payroll Year field.
  3. Select the pay group using the Pay Group drop-down list. For example, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
  4. Select the Preview Only (No Update) field to preview the bulk set operation. When this field is selected:

    • No Final Event Indicators are set
    Final Event Indicator Summary - PREVIEW report is displayed instead of the regular report

    PREVIEW of Employees who would have their Final Event Indicator set listing is displayed instead of the regular listing, if the Generate Listing of Employees Processed field is selected. See below.

  5. Select the Generate Listing of Employees Processed field to generate a list of all the processed employees.
  6. Click either:

    •  to process an STP update event. See Processing STP Update Events.
      to complete the bulk set operation. Proceed to the next step.

    The Confirm window is displayed.

    Note: The following window is displayed if the Preview Only (No Update) field is selected.

  7. Click .
    The Information window is displayed.
  8. Click .
    Setting the Final Event Indicator in Bulk is complete.

    Tip: You can click  to view a report on the summarised financial figures of all employees with a final event indicator set.

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