Creating a stocktake for another business unit

Creating a stocktake for another business unit

Some organisations may need to stocktake each business unit at the same time. This requires the creation of stocktakes for each additional business unit.
Alternatively, you can stocktake and close off each business unit in turn. See:

Note: You cannot perform more than one stocktake for the same business unit at the same time.

To create stocktakes for additional business units:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Stocktake.
    The Item Stocktake window is displayed for the first business unit. For example, the College business unit.
  2. Click .
    The Select Process Number window is displayed. 
  3. Click.
    The Create New Stocktake window is displayed.
  4. Select the Business Unit to perform the stocktake for. In this example, select the School Maintenance Department business unit.
  5. Change the Process Date if the effective date of the stocktake is different to today's date.
  6. Click .
    The following dialog is displayed.
  7. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is displayed. 
  8. Click  to close the Item Stocktake report window.
    The Item Stocktake window is displayed for the selected business unit.
  9. Stocktake the items for the business unit, as per normal. See Using the Item Stocktake window.
  10. Repeat from step 2 for each additional business unit.

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