Stocktaking using the barcode of individual items

Stocktaking using the barcode of individual items

You can scan the barcode of each individual item in turn, with Synergetic incrementing the count automatically.

Alternatively, for some items it is easier to use the Go to Item for manual stock entry mode. See Stocktaking using a representative item.

To scan barcodes, you can use either a:

  • wireless barcode scanner
  • barcode scanner attached to a laptop with a wireless connection to your network.

To record the stocktake by scanning the barcodes of individual stock items:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Stocktake.
    If there are no open stocktakes, the Create New Stocktake window is displayed. Otherwise, the Item Stocktake window is displayed - skip to step 7.
  2. Select the Business Unit to perform the stocktake for, if it is different to that displayed.
  3. Change the Process Date if the effective date of the stocktake is different to today's date.

    Note: You can reprint an existing Item Stocktake report at this stage. See Reprinting Item Stocktake reports.

  4. Click .
    The following dialog is displayed.
  5. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is displayed.
  6. Click  to close the Item Stocktake report window.
    The Item Stocktake window is displayed.
  7. Select the Increment Count by 1 mode.
  8. Scan the barcode of an individual stock item.
    The count is incremented by one for the selected item.
  9. Repeat step 8 until there is no more stock that needs counting.

    Note: It does not matter which order items are scanned, as each individual item is identified by its barcode.
  10. Depending on your organisation's stocktaking policy, recount any items where the count is different to the Stock On Hand field. That is, where the Adjust value for an item is not zero.

    Stock adjustments are not created until the stocktake is closed off.

  11. Click  when the stocktake is complete.
    The following dialog window is displayed.
  12. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is printed to your default printer and the following message is displayed. 
  13. Click .
    The Item Stocktake window is closed.
  14. Create any adjustment G/L journals you require. See Entering general ledger journals in the General ledger manual.
    For example, depending on how your organisation manages inventory you can:
    • create a G/L journal from the stock control (balance sheet) account to the stock movement (profit and loss) account
    • optionally also do a secondary G/L journal to a stock write off account.

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