Reprinting Item Stocktake reports

Reprinting Item Stocktake reports

The method of reprinting Item Stocktake reports depends on whether there is:

  • an open stocktake and you want to reprint the initial Item Stocktake report for this stocktake
  • an open stocktake and you want to reprint either the initial or close off report for a prior stocktake
  • no open stocktake and you want to reprint either the initial or close off report for a prior stocktake.

Reprinting an Item Stocktake report for the current stocktake

You can reprint the initial Item Stocktake report at any time before the stocktake is closed off.

To reprint the initial Item Stocktake report of the current stocktake:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Stocktake.
    The Item Stocktake window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Print Stocktake window is displayed.
  3. Select either:
    • Initial Printout
    • Preview / Close Off Printout.
  4. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is previewed.
  5. Print the report.

Reprinting a prior Item Stocktake report when a stocktake is open

To reprint the initial or close off Item Stocktake report of a prior stocktake and you are working on the latest stocktake:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Stocktake.
    The Item Stocktake window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Select Process Number window is displayed. 
  3. Locate and select the stocktake process to reprint.
  4. Click .
    The Print Stocktake window is displayed.
  5. Select either:

    • Initial Printout
    • Preview / Close Off Printout.

  6. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is previewed.
  7. Print the report.

Reprinting a prior Item Stocktake report when there is no open stocktake

To reprint the initial or close off Item Stocktake report of a prior stocktake and there is no open stocktake:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Stocktake.
    The Create New Stocktake window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Select Process Number window is displayed. 
  3. Locate and select the stocktake process to reprint.
  4. Click .
    The Print Stocktake window is displayed.
  5. Select either:

    • Initial Printout
    • Preview / Close Off Printout.

  6. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is previewed.
  7. Print the report.

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