Using the Item Stocktake window

Using the Item Stocktake window

Use the Item Stocktake window to:

 Opening the Item Stocktake window

To open the Item Stocktake window:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Stocktake.
    If there are no open stocktakes, the Create New Stocktake window is displayed. Otherwise, the Item Stocktake window is displayed - skip to step 7.
  2. Select the Business Unit to perform the stocktake for, if it is different to that displayed.
  3. Change the Process Date if the effective date of the stocktake is different to today's date.
    Note: You can reprint an existing Item Stocktake report at this stage. See Reprinting Item Stocktake reports.
  4. Click .
    The following dialog is displayed.
  5. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is displayed.
  6. Print the report, if required.
  7. Click  to close the Item Stocktake report window.
    The Item Stocktake window is displayed.

Additional features of the Item Stocktake window - double clicking on the Count field

Most of the features of Item Stocktake window are described in the key fields and buttons section below.

You can also double click on the Count field, if the actual stock on hand is either:

  • The same as the Stock On Hand figure shown. For example, 12 school bags are on hand so you can double click on the Count field to accept the Stock On Hand figure.
  • Zero. For example, the Stock On Hand figure for HTML Black Book is shown as -1 but the stocktake confirms that there are none to hand. In this instance, double clicking the Count field enters a zero quantity. This also applies if the Stock On Hand figure is zero or negative.

Additional features of the Item Stocktake window - sorting columns

You can sort any of the columns on the Item Stocktake window by clicking on the relevant column heading. When the window is opened initially the records are automatically ordered according to their Category, Lookup and Code values. In the example below, the Description heading has been clicked to sort all of the records in ascending order () based on the description of the items.

Clicking on the Description heading again sorts records in descending order () based on the description of the items.

Item Stocktake window - key fields and buttons





Field for either:

  • accepting the barcode when scanning an item's barcode
  • typing the item's code.


Stocktaking mode used for the current stock count entry or entries. Select either:

Grid area fields




Unique code for the item.

Note: It is recommended that you develop naming standards for item codes and descriptions.


Group used to categorise this item.

For example, Uniform or Books can be set up as categories to group similar items together.


Description for the item.

Stock On Hand

Stock on hand.

The stock on hand figure is Synergetic's calculated value for the item:

  • since the last stocktake figure
  • adding purchase receipts or manual receipts
  • taking off sales made to customers
  • taking off "own use" sales (that is, general ledger sales).

The stock on hand can be different to the physical count for a variety of reasons:

  • the previous stocktake figure was incorrect
  • purchases were not received in correctly or fully before the stocktake
  • sales were not booked out correctly or fully before the stocktake
  • "own use" sales were not put through correctly or fully before the stocktake
  • barcode labels were stuck onto the incorrect items
  • the wrong items were counted
  • shrinkage.


Physical count of the stock item.


Adjustment figure applied when the stocktake is closed.

Depending on your organisation's stocktaking policy, recount any items where the Adjust value for an item is not zero. A second count will confirm whether the first count was correct or not. If it confirms that the stock count is correct, an adjustment will bring the stock on hand back to its correct level.

Note: Any adjustment general ledger journals need to be created separately.

Avg Cost

Calculated average cost of the stock item.


Used for barcoding applications involving stock items.

If blank, a barcode is not used for this item.

For example, books that are stocked and sold at your organisation can be integrated with POS equipment, using barcodes to speed up the sales entry process.


Determines the order that items are listed in the search grid.

Defaults to the value of the Description field but can be changed. For example, the item code can serve as a better lookup.




If the item code or barcode is populated in the Locate field, Synergetic locates the item, selects the row and either:

  • positions the cursor in the Count field, if the Go to Item for manual stock entry mode is selected
  • increments the Count field, if the Increment Count by 1 mode is selected.
    When scanning barcodes, Synergetic automatically populates the Locate field and selects to perform the action specified above.

Launch into Item Maintenance for the selected item. See Maintaining items.


  • Select a different open stocktake using the Select Process Number window. For example, select the stocktake for a different business unit at your organisation.
  • Click to create a new stocktake. For example, create a stocktake for another business unit. See Creating a stocktake for another business unit.

To print the Item Stocktake report:

  1. Click .
    The Print Stocktake window is displayed.
  2. Select either:
    Initial Printout
    Preview / Close Off Printout.
  3. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is previewed.

Abandon the stocktake before it is closed off and delete all records associated with the current stocktake.

To abandon a stocktake:

  1. Click .
    The following window is displayed.
  2. Type abandon.
    Note: This field is not case sensitive.
  3. Click .
    The following window is displayed.

Remove the selected item from the stocktake, if the policy at your organisation permits these items to be removed.

For example, a stocktake may not be required for a discontinued item.

Note: If an item is not in stock, enter a zero value in the Count field.

Alternatively, enter the count of the stock, even if it is zero, and make the stock inactive before the next stocktake.

Open the Load Merge File window to merge a text file of item barcodes and counts into Synergetic. See Stocktaking using a merge file.

Confirm the figures entered are correct and close off the stocktake for the business unit and date specified.

To close off the stocktake:

  1. Click
    The following dialog window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Item Stocktake report is printed and the following message is displayed.

    If a count has not been entered for all items, you can:
  • stocktake and enter a count for the remaining items
  • enter a zero count for items that are not in stock
  • delete the items from the stock count, if the policy at your organisation permits these items to be removed.

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