Consignment Stock Payments - Creditors window

Consignment Stock Payments - Creditors window

Use the Consignment Stock Payments - Creditors window to specify the level of detail to report to the creditor on remittance advice.

 Opening the Consignment Stock Payments - Creditors window

To open the Creditors window:

  1. First, make your selections in the following windows:

    Consignment Stock Payments - Selections window.
    • Consignment Stock Payments - Debtors window.

  2. Click .
    The Consignment Stock Payments - Creditors window is displayed.
  3. Type in your selections.
  4. Click .
    The Consignment Stock Payments - Post window is displayed. See Consignment Stock Payments - Post window.

    Tip: You can click  to edit the Consignment Stock Payments - Debtors window. See Consignment Stock Payments - Debtors window.

Consignment Stock Payments - Creditors window key fields



R/A Style

Select one of the remittance advice (R/A) styles, depending on whether you want:

  • detailed, to list individual items
  • summary, to show a single payment amount
  • commission included, to only show net payment amounts
  • separate commission line, to show the commission as a negative amount in a separate line.

Summary Line Description

Description to appear in the summary line, depending on the style.

Commission Line Description

Description to appear in the commission line, depending on the style.