Using the toolbar icons

When you are running a program and viewing a maintenance window, you will see a toolbar at the top of the window. Toolbar icons are common across many programs in Synergetic.

If a toolbar option is inactive (greyed out), it is because the option is not relevant in the current context. For example, if you have not made any changes to the record you are viewing, the Save icon is inactive.



Creates a new record in the application that you are running. You can also press Ctrl + N.

Opens (that is, switches focus to) the Selector grid to allow you to select a different record. You can also press Ctrl + O.

Saves any data changes that you have made. You can also press Ctrl + S.

Refreshes the information on the screen by reloading the current record from the database.

You may need to do this if someone else is editing the same record as you are. If you get the message: Cannot save, record changed by another user or Dataset edited by another user, cannot update, click Refresh and then make your updates again. You can also press F5.

Prints the viewable area of the screen to the selected printer. You can also press Ctrl + P.

This shows whether you are currently allowed to make changes to data. This is called 'editing mode'.

This defaults to the value of the Initial Data Edit flag in your user preferences (File > User Preferences). You can also press F8.

The relationship tree is:

  • a graphical representation of relationships:
  • with the selected community member
  • between community members linked to the selected community member.
  • available from screens used to maintain aspects of community members, such as debtors.

    Use the relationship tree to:
  • overview relationships
  • select another individual in the community
  • add new relationships to selected individuals in the tree
  • navigate quickly to individuals in the tree and update their details if required
  • delete relationships if required.

    You can also press Ctrl + T.
    See Relations in the Community manual.

Launch a calculator to calculate a value and then automatically put the result in the currently selected field. Results are ignored if a read-only field is selected. You can also press F4.

Performs a spell check of the selected field. See Using spell check.

You would usually only use this for large text or memo fields and in Student Results Maintenance. You can also press F7.

Any highlighted text on the screen is cut to the clipboard (removed from the screen). You can also press Ctrl + X.

Any highlighted text on the screen is copied to the clipboard. The highlighted text is not removed from the screen. You can also press Ctrl + C.

The contents of the clipboard are pasted into the field where your cursor is currently. You can also press Ctrl + V.

Navigate through a set of records. For example, move to the next student.

The icons are First record, Previous record, Next record and Last record. You can also press Alt + Shift and either:

  • Home to go to the first record
  • Up to go to the previous record
  • Down to go to the next record
  • End to go to the last record.

Discard any changes that you have made on the screen but have not yet saved.


Indicates that the person has a future student record (Future) as well as their current student record, or a current student record (Current) in addition to their future student record.

Tip: You can jump between Future Student Maintenance and Current Student Maintenance by double clicking either Future or Current on the toolbar. For example: or .

Transfer a student into future/current/past or back from past depending on the student application that you are running.

Allows you to send an email. See Sending emails for more information.
If the person you are currently viewing has an email address defined in Community Maintenance, then this email address is used. If they do not have an email address defined, you will need to enter it when prompted.

Allows you to compose a letter and send it to a Word document using the current person's name and address details. See Composing letters with Microsoft Word for details. You can also press Ctrl + L.

Display the reports available for the current module. You can also press Ctrl + B.

Copies the current person's name and address details to the clipboard. You can then paste it into any area of Synergetic, or into another application such as Word, Excel or label-making software.

Tag a record for later use. See Tagging community records for later use.

Tip: You can tag the currently selected record by pressing Ctrl+G on your keyboard. 

Create a task linked to the current maintenance record. See Creating a linked task.

Pin the selector window so that it moves with the maintenance window. See Manipulating your windows.

Return to the default tab layout for this session. You can also press Ctrl + F9.

Launch the Customise Tab Layout to customise the layout and appearance of tabs on the selected maintenance window. You can also press Ctrl + F10. See Tailoring menus and tabs.

Preview report.

Change the primary contact person for the student to the other spouse. You might want to flip spouses:

  • When a prospective student becomes a future student. The person who initially makes an enquiry is entered as the contact for the prospective student. This is often the mother, and when you enter full details of the student, you may need to make the father the primary person and the mother the spouse. This ensures that mail is addressed to Mr and Mrs, instead of Mrs and Mr.
  • To change the primary contact person for a student to the other spouse.
  • When the parents separate. You may want to make the mother the primary contact person by flipping the spouses and then splitting them.
  • To change the way mail is addressed.

    For past students and their spouses.
    See Flipping spouses in the Community manual.

Break links between the community member and their spouse.

Synergetic creates:

  • an alternative mailing contact for any linked students
  • separate address records for each of the spouses, although both will have the same details initially.
    See Breaking links to a spouse in the Community manual.

Spell check all the students in the class.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + F7.
See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab in the Assessment and reports manual.

Apply default results and classifications to either the selected student or the entire class.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Alt + S.
See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab in the Assessment and reports manual.

Apply default print flags to either the selected student or the entire class.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Alt + F.
See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab and Class Maintenance - Print Flags tab in the Assessment and reports manual.

Apply result calculations to student or class.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + K.
See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab in the Assessment and reports manual.

Adjust class statistics.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + J.
See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab in the Assessment and reports manual.

View the student's photo.
Shortcut key: F11.
See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab in the Assessment and reports manual.

Most of the functions available on the toolbar can also be accessed by using keyboard shortcuts, if you prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse. See Using keyboard shortcuts.