Typical Synergetic session

Typical Synergetic session

When you are running a program, you will typically have two windows open, the Selector grid and the maintenance window for the function. Depending on the size of the maintenance window, they are either displayed side by side on your screen or one on top of the other. You can toggle between them by either clicking anywhere in the required window to switch focus to it or by using the Window menu to choose the window you want to view.

For example, when using Current Student functions, the following windows are displayed:

Window type


Example window

Selector grid

Allows you to select which record or records you want to view.

You can select a different record by either:

  • Scrolling through the list of records in the grid. The data in the maintenance window on the right of the screen changes as you move through the records.
  • Clicking Change to go back to the Set Search Criteria window to select a different group of records to be displayed in the grid.
  • Using the Grid Search area of the window to search within the records in the grid.

Current Student Selector

Maintenance window

Allows you to view and update details for the current record selected.

Current Student Maintenance