Using keyboard shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts

When you become comfortable with using Synergetic, you will find it useful to use keyboard shortcuts for some functions so that you can minimise the use of the mouse.
Keyboard shortcuts are sometimes referred to as hotkeys.

Work out what functions you are using often and then check below to see if there is a keyboard shortcut for that function.

General shortcut keys

You can perform many of these functions using the mouse to select an icon from the toolbar. See Using the toolbar icons.




Invoke a menu

Alt + <menu shortcut>

If you look at the menu carefully, you will notice that one letter of each menu item is underlined.

This letter is used together with the Alt key to call up the menu. For example, Alt + M calls up the Module menu.

Jump to a field or activate a button

Alt + <field/button shortcut>

If you look at the fields and buttons on a window, you will notice that some field names contain an underline under one letter and most buttons have one letter underlined.

You can use the Alt key in conjunction with this letter to either jump to a specific field or activate a button. For example:

  • Alt + P will move the cursor to the Scholarships Applied For field
  • Alt + A is the same as clicking the Add button
  • Alt + D is the same as clicking the Delete button.
    All the letters are unique to a window, so there is no ambiguity when using the Alt key functionality.

Change records

Alt + Shift + Down Arrow

Go to the next record.


Alt + Shift + Up Arrow

Go to the previous record.


Alt + Shift + Home

Go to the first record.


Alt + Shift + End Arrow

Go to the last record.


Ctrl + X

Deletes the highlighted text and copies it to the clipboard.


Ctrl + C

Copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.


Ctrl + V

Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the field where your cursor currently is.


Ctrl + N

Creates a new record in the program you are running.


Ctrl + O

Switches focus to the grid search window. This is the same as pressing Enter.



Refreshes the information on the screen from the database. You might need to do this if someone else is editing the same record as you are. For example, if you get the message Cannot save, record changed by another user or Dataset edited by another user, cannot update, press F5 and then make your updates again.



If there are any Launch buttons in the window, then F6 will automatically launch into the linked application.
If there are several Launch buttons in the window, you are presented with a menu to allow you to select which program you want to launch.


Ctrl + S

Saves the data in its current state.

Select All

Ctrl + A

Selects all the text in the current field.


Ctrl + D

Deletes the currently selected record. For example, you can delete a student record.

Data Editing


Switches between making the data read-only or editable.

The default can be set using the File > User Preferences > Initial Data Edit flag.

Enter Pre-1900 Date


Allows the entry of a pre-1900 date by launching the Enter Pre 1900 Date dialog.

Print Screen

Ctrl + P

Prints the current screen.

Screen Capture

Alt + Print Scrn

Copies the current window into the clipboard as a bitmap image.

Discard Changes

Ctrl + F8

Reverts to the last saved data (similar to Refresh function).

Full Screen Form Size

Ctrl + F11

Expands the screen to its maximum size.

Save Form Size and Position

Shift + F12

Saves the current window and form sizes as your permanent preferences.

Restore Initial Form Size

Ctrl + F12

Restores the size and position of forms and windows to the Synergetic defaults.

Spell Check


Performs a spell check in the currently selected text field.

Go to next field


Moves your cursor to the next field in the window.

Go to previous field

Shift + Tab

Moves your cursor to the previous field in the window.

Switch between windows

Ctrl + Tab

Shortcut for clicking Window on the top toolbar and then selecting another window.

Show Tag List

Ctrl + Alt + T

Show the tag list.

Show Task List

Ctrl + Alt + S

Show the task list.

Shortcut keys for community-related applications
The following shortcuts are only useful in programs where you working with community members.




Send an email

Ctrl + E

Send an email to the selected person.

Compose a letter

Ctrl + L

Opens the Word integrator to allow you to compose a letter.

Copy name and address to clipboard

Ctrl + I

Copies the person's name and address to the clipboard for pasting into an open document.

Generate relationship tree

Ctrl + T

Runs the relationship tree for the selected person, showing all their relationship links on Synergetic.

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