Transferring future students in bulk to current students

Transferring future students in bulk to current students

To transfer a group of future students to current students:

  1. Select Module > Future Students > Transfer Future Students to Current Student File.
    The following dialog is displayed.
  2. Enter the Year and Term to transfer to.
  3. In the Transfer Selections area, select the set of student records to transfer using the date and schooling options.
  4. In the Action when transferred area, select what to do with the old future student records after the transfer.
    If you do not delete these files, they will still be linked to the current student files. Deleted future student records can still be accessed in the future student archive. See Searching for future students.
  5. In the Future Students not coming area, select what to do with the records of students who decline the offer of a place.

Transfer Future Students to Current window key fields



Year and Term to Transfer to

Year and term when the current students commence at your organisation.

Transfer Up To and Including Date

Transfer students up to and including the To Start on date field on the Enrol Details tab of Future Student Maintenance. See the Future Student Maintenance - Enrol Details tab.


Campus where the future student is enrolled. Leave blank to transfer the student regardless of the entry campus.


Course that the future student is enrolled in.

Leave blank to transfer the student regardless of the course.

Link Course Only

Select the common course that feeder courses link to. For example, a main course may have a feeder course that starts earlier or later than the actual main course.
The default value is its own course code.

: You can update the Prior Course
field on the Enrolment tab of Course Details Maintenance. See the Course Details Maintenance - Enrolment tab (Current students).

Status to Transfer

Status of the future students to be transferred. Typical values are:

  • Application Made
  • Deferred
  • Finalised
  • Place Offered
  • Reserved
  • Waitlist
  • Cancelled.

Note: Generally, future students are only transferred to the current student file if their status is Finalised. Otherwise, select the students with a particular status to be transferred.Your organisation may use another status to determine students to be accepted into your organisation. This is maintained in the luFutureStatus lookup table. See the luFutureStatus lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Entry Date for New Students

Entry date for all future students transferred on this run. Generally, they will be transferred into the first day of the semester.

This is stored in the Entry Date field on the Entry tab of the Current Student Maintenance window. See the Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab in the Current students manual.

Action When Transferred

Action to be taken with the records in the future student database after the transfer.

Future Students Not Coming

The records for the future students who have enrolled at your organisation but have decided not to continue with their enrolment can either be:

  • deleted
  • rolled
  • left in the database for future reference.

For example, the student may change their mind and enrol at your organisation again. Select the relevant Future Students not coming radio button to make your selection.

Rolling future students not coming uses the 2nd and 3rd choice enrolments on the Supplemental tab in Enquiry Student Maintenance. If the first choice enrolment ended with a status other than that of Finalised, then the 2nd choice enrolment is rolled up to the 1st choice.

We recommend that you transfer without deleting at the end of the current year for the next year. Then in the next year, delete those not coming.

Some organisations leave students in future students while they are of school age. However, due to the archive capability this is not normally required.

Also Delete Enquiries

Delete enquiries that match the selected criteria and have a start date on or before the Transfer Up To and Including Date.

Printing out transferred students
After the transfer has been run, Synergetic prints a list of all of the students that were affected by the transfer. The list shows ID, name, campus, year level, application date, enrolment date and the process types. The list can show multiple processes.
The process types are as follows:

  • T = Transferred to Current Students
  • D = Deleted from Future Students
  • R = Future Student Enrol Details Rolled Up (if using multiple applications).