Printing Student Change of Status report for roll returns

The Student Change of Status (For Roll Returns) report is used to list key changes to student records for the auditing of roll returns. See the Audit 5 section of Roll return audit requirements.


The Description is entered when the value in Current Student Maintenance is changed.

In the following example, the following fields were updated:


To print the Student Change of Status report:

  1. Select Module > Students > Student Crystal Reports Available. See Key current students reports in the Current students manual.
    The Synergetic Reports Available window is displayed.
  2. Search for the report.
  3. Select the Student Change of Status (for Roll Returns) report.
  4. Click .
    The following window is displayed.
  5. Update the selection criteria.
  6. Click .
    The following Crystal Reports preview is displayed.
  7. Print the report, if required.