Receiving goods against a purchase order

Receiving goods against a purchase order

Please note this process is not available on Synweb

To receive goods against a purchase order:

  1. Search for the purchase order you are receiving the items against. See Searching for purchase orders.
    The General tab of the Purchase Order Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click the Details tab. See Purchase Order Maintenance - Details tab.
    The Details tab of the Purchase Order Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Supplied sub-tab.
    The Supplied sub-tab of the Purchase Order Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. You can either:
    • Receive each line item individually:
      - Highlight the line item.
      - Click .
      - Enter the delivery date, delivery docket number and quantity supplied.
    • Receive all remaining line items:
      - Click .
    The Receive Purchase Order Lines window is displayed.

    Tip: Select Print Barcode Labels when Stock Received to add labels to the print queue for items with label printing enabled. See /wiki/spaces/SYNMAIN/pages/2294718355.

    If you clicked , all order lines are marked as received with the Qty Supp set to the quantity ordered.

    to receive the order based on the purchase order quantities. Enter the delivery date and delivery docket on the Receive Remaining Items window.

    Note: You can also receive purchase orders when you are entering the creditor invoice. See Creditor Invoice Entry - Purchase Orders tab. The method you use depends on the procedures in place in your organisation.


Receiving partially completed orders
If you did not receive the full quantity that you ordered:

  1. Change the Qty Supp field to the amount you received.
    The following warning is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The remaining items on the order line are put on back order. A separate order line is created, and the Origin field is set to backorder.
    Beside the Origin field, two messages show the originating line and the root originating line for the back order:
    • The originating line is the purchase order line that the back order was generated from.
    • The root originating line is the first order line in the chain. In the example below, the originating line and the root originating line are the same as the back order originated from order line number 1.
  3. If you receive items that are on back order but again do not receive the full amount, another back order is generated as shown in the example below.

    In this case, the originating order line is 3, because the back order was generated from order line 3. However, the root originating line is still 1. This is because the back order that generated this order line is generated originally from order line 1. This enables you to follow a chain of back orders and partially filled orders.

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