Purchase Requisition Additional Options window

Purchase Requisition Additional Options window

You can use the Purchase Requisition Additional Options window to maintain additional options for the current requisition.

Purchase Requisition Additional Options window key fields and buttons




Order Type

Type of purchase order that is printed. Values include:

  • Credit - the creditor has charged too much and you are requesting a credit note from them.
  • Normal - a normal purchase order requesting item(s) to be supplied.
  • Oversupply - print a document detailing oversupplied items. Send this to the creditor along with the items that were oversupplied.
  • Swapped - print a document to send with goods that need to be swapped for other goods.

Note: If the type is Normal, the purchase order heading is Purchase Order. Otherwise it is Goods Return Voucher.

Requisition no.

Requisition number, if required.

Tip: Some organisations use requisition numbers that come from a docket book that has been supplied to each department/business unit. Enter the requisition number in Synergetic so that you can reference the original request from a department.


Urgency of the order. Values include:

  • ASAP
  • Normal
  • Urgent.

Note: This information does not print on the purchase order. Use as an internal reference only.

See luPurchaseOrderUrgency lookup table in the Synergetic Finance manual.

Notify By

How the creditor is notified of the purchase order:

  • print - notification is printed for mailing
  • email - notification is emailed from Synergetic.

Note: If you select the email notification method, ensure the creditor has their email address listed in the Creditor Maintenance - General tab. See Creditor Maintenance - General tab in the Synergetic Creditors manual.


Currency used for the purchase order requisition.




Print prices

Select to print prices next to each item.

These prices come from the last average price on the Purchase Orders tab of Item Maintenance. See Item Maintenance - Purchase Orders tab in the Synergetic Sales manual. If the prices are not correct, you can choose not to print them on the purchase order. 

Prices inc Tax

Select to indicate that all prices include tax.

This is automatically selected if the Order Prices Include Tax flag is selected on the Account tab of Creditor Maintenance. See Creditor Maintenance - Account tab in the Synergetic Creditors manual.

Override supplier email

Email address to send notifications to instead of the creditor's Occupation email address.

Order header

Information to print before items on the purchase order.




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