Purchase Orders Maintenance - General Details, Options & Creditor tab

Use the General Details, Options & Creditor tab to maintain:

  • details about the purchase order
  • the creditor that the purchase order is for.

 Opening the General Details, Options & Creditor tab

To open the General Details, Options & Creditor tab:

  1. Select Finance > Purchase Orders from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Search Purchase Orders window is displayed.
  2. Search for a purchase order. See Searching for purchase orders.
    The General Details, Options & Creditor tab of Purchase Orders Maintenance is displayed.

Purchase Orders Maintenance - General Details, Options & Creditor tab key fields and buttons

Order Details area fields



Business Unit

Business unit that the purchase order is for.

For information on how to configure business units, see Synergetic Finance Configuration Maintenance - Business Units tab in the Synergetic System Maintenance manual.

Note: This field cannot be changed after the purchase order has been created.

Order type

Type of purchase order that is printed. Values include:

  • Credit - the creditor has charged too much and you are requesting a credit note from them
  • Normal - a normal purchase order requesting item(s) to be supplied
  • Oversupply - print a document detailing oversupplied items. Send this to the creditor along with the items that were oversupplied
  • Swapped - print a document to send with goods that need to be swapped for other goods.

Note: If the type is Normal, the purchase order heading is Purchase Order. Otherwise it is Goods Return Voucher.

Order Date

Date the purchase order was ordered.

External Ref No

External requisition number, if required.

Tip: Some organisations use requisition numbers that come from a docket book that has been supplied to each department/business unit. Enter the requisition number in Synergetic so that you can reference the original request from a department.

Delivery Point

Delivery instructions for the creditor. For example 'Please deliver these goods to Mrs Smith in the Administration Office'.

Required Date

Date the items are required by.

G/L Sub Allocation

General ledger sub-allocation code that the purchase order amount is posted to.


Urgency of the order. Values include:

  • ASAP
  • Normal
  • Urgent.

Note: This information does not print on the purchase order. Use as an internal reference only.


Status of the order. Values include:

  • Cancelled
  • On Order
  • Partially Filled
  • Completed.

History Details area fields



Created By

Synergetic user that created the purchase order and the date and time it was created.

Modified By

Synergetic user that last modified the purchase order and the date and time it was modified.

Creditor Options area fields

Note: The following fields are read-only.




Creditor's name.


Creditor's address.


Creditor's phone number.


Creditor's mobile phone number.

Occup Email

Creditor's occupation email address.

Options area fields



Print Prices

Select to print prices next to each item.

These prices come from the last average price in Item Maintenance. See Item Maintenance - Purchase Orders tab in the Synergetic Sales manual. If the prices are not correct, you can choose not to print them on the purchase order.

Prices Include Tax

Select to indicate that all prices include tax.

This is automatically selected if the Order Prices Include Tax flag on the Creditor Maintenance - Account tab is selected. See Creditor Maintenance - Account tab in the Synergetic Creditors manual.


Currency the purchase order is in.




Change the creditor this purchase order is for.

Common fields



Order Number

Unique number identifying the purchase order.

Ordered By

Community member who created the purchase order.


Authorisation status of the purchase order.

Common buttons



Delete the selected purchase order. See Deleting purchase orders.

Click to launch the New Purchase Order window to create a new purchase order. See Creating new purchase orders.

Click to launch the Search Purchase Orders window to change your search criteria. See Searching for purchase orders.

Click to cancel the selected purchase order.

Save changes made to the purchase order.