Maintaining purchase order requisitions

Maintaining purchase order requisitions

Purchase order requisitions are requests to purchase items from suppliers.

Once a requisition is submitted an Approve purchase order task message is created in the Action Centre for the staff member responsible for approving requisitions at your organisation. For information about approving purchase order requisitions, see Action Centre - Approval tab in the Synergetic Introduction manual.

You can use the Purchase Orders Requisition window to create new purchase order requisitions. See Creating purchase order requisitions.


 Opening the Purchase Order Requisition window

To open the Purchase Order Requisition window:

  1. Select Finance > Purchase Order Requisition.
    The Purchase Order Requisition window is displayed.

Purchase Order Requisition window key fields and buttons




Business Unit

Select the business unit that the purchase order is for from the drop-down list.

For information on how to configure business units, see Synergetic Financial Configuration - Business Units tab in the Synergetic Finance manual.


Creditor supplying the items.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Tip: You can define a photo for the supplier by updating the photo record for the supplier in Photo Maintenance. See Photo Maintenance window in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Tip: You can type into the search field to filter displayed suppliers.


Address of the supplier

Note: This field and the following three fields are automatically filled when the supplier is selected.


Phone number of the supplier.


Fax number of the supplier.


Email of the supplier.


Date displayed on the requisition.

Note: This defaults to the current date.
Tip: You can click to display the graphical calendar.

G/L Code

General ledger code that the purchase order requisition amount is posted to.

Note: This is a mandatory field by default. You can determine whether it is mandatory using the Enforce G/L Code Type field. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Business Units - Purchase Orders sub-tab in the Synergetic Finance manual.

Note: This field is automatically populated with the last general ledger code used with the selected Business Unit and Supplier combination.

Tip: You can type into the search field to filter displayed G/L codes.

Sub Alloc

General ledger sub-allocation code that the purchase order requisition amount is posted to.

Note: This field is only displayed if the selected general ledger code has sub-allocations. See Maintaining general ledger sub allocations in the Synergetic General ledger manual.

Delivery Point

Location at your organisation where the items are to be to be delivered. See luDeliveryPoint lookup table in the Synergetic Finance manual.

Required Date

Date the items are required.

Tip: You can click to display the graphical calendar.

Additional Comments to Supplier

Text box for providing additional comments to the supplier.

Internal Comments

Text box for providing internal comments.

Total Incl

Total cost of the requisition including tax.

Total Tax

Total amount of tax included in the requisition.

Total Excl

Total cost of the requisition excluding tax.

Budget required for this requisition

Total amount required in your organisation's budget to cover the cost of the requisition.

Grid area fields




Type of item. See Maintaining items in the Synergetic Sales manual.

Note: You can select the Stock Control Integrated with Sub-systems field to configure all stocked items to use the general ledger code in the Stock Purchase Control Account field. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Business Units - Inventory Control sub-tab in the Synergetic Finance manual. For information on stocked items, see Item Maintenance - Item tab in the Synergetic Sales manual.


Description of the item.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Supplier Code

Supplier's code for the item. This is useful for reordering stock items because you can easily provide the codes that the supplier accepts.

Note: If an item code is selected this field automatically populates based on the supplier code entered in the Supplier Item Code field on the Suppliers tab of Item Maintenance. See Item Maintenance - Suppliers tab in the Synergetic Sales manual.


Number of items ordered.

Unit Price

Price per unit of the selected item.

Note: The unit price for stocked items defaults to the last unit price recorded on the Receipts tab of Item Maintenance. See Item Maintenance - Receipts tab in the Synergetic Sales manual.

Note: If an item code is selected this field automatically populates based on the unit price entered during item creation. See Creating new items in the Synergetic Sales manual.


Whether the selected item is taxable.

Note: You can change the tax applied to the selected item by clicking and selecting a new tax code in the Tax Code field.


Total cost of the line item including tax.




Launch the Purchase Requisition Additional Options window to select additional options. See Purchase Requisition Additional Options window.

Note: This button is highlighted blue when additional options are selected.

Launch the Advanced Row Options window to select additional options for the selected line item.

Note: This button is highlighted blue when additional row options are selected.

Delete the selected line item.

Clear existing selections.

Launch the Review your details window to submit the purchase order requisition.

Save the purchase order requisition into Purchase Order Maintenance for later completion. See Maintaining purchase orders.

Note: Only one purchase order can be saved at a time.

Note: Saved purchase order requisitions have an authorisation status of In Process. See Purchase Orders Maintenance - Authorisation tab.

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