Searching for purchase orders

When you first open Purchase Orders Maintenance, the Search Purchase Orders window is displayed to allow you to find the purchase order you want.

Note: You can also access this window by clicking the button on the banner containing the name of any purchase order.

How to use the Search Purchase Orders window

On the Search Purchase Orders window you can:

  • Click , leaving all fields blank. This finds all purchase orders and presents them in a search results grid.
  • Restrict the search by entering information in one or more fields. You can enter all or part of a name in a field and use wildcard characters to further narrow the search. See Using wildcards to search in the Introduction manual.

Note: Make sure that you enter required data into corresponding fields in the correct format. For example, you must enter the Order By ID as a number, and not a letter or alphabetic character.
At any stage you can change your selections. To do this, click  and then make your new selections.
Fields that you type in are not case sensitive and can be entered in either upper or lower case or a mix of upper and lower case. For example, description fields are not case sensitive.

Fields that have a drop-down list to choose from, such as Business Unit or Order Status, are case sensitive and depend on how they have been set up in the database lookup tables. We recommend that you always select these fields from the drop-down list.

Choosing a purchase order from the search results

The General Details, Options & Creditor tab is displayed for the first search result.

You can display the details for a particular purchase order by clicking on the creditor name on the search results grid on the left.

Search Purchase Orders window key fields and buttons

Order area fields



Business Unit

Search for purchase orders for this business unit.

Note: This field will initially display the user's default business unit. See Finance Configuration Maintenance - Business Units tab in the Synergetic Finance manual.

Order Number

Search for purchase orders by order number.

Order Date

Search for purchase orders ordered on this date.

Required Date

Search for purchase orders required by this date.

Requisition Number

Search for purchase orders by requisition number.

G/L Sub Allocation

Search for purchase orders with this general ledger sub-allocation code.

Order Status

Search for purchase orders of this order status.

Order Line Status

Search for purchase orders with an order line of this status.

Ordered By ID

Search for purchase orders ordered by this community member.


Search for purchase orders that have been printed.

Ord By Comment LIKE

Search for purchase orders with an ordered by comment like this one.

Use defaults for

Select to prefill the search fields with standard criteria for:

  • Requesters
  • Authorisers
  • Super Authorisers.

Item area fields



Item Code

Search for purchase orders that contain this item.

Item Description Like

Search for purchase orders that contain an item with a description like this one.

Creditor area fields



Creditor ID

Search for purchase orders for this creditor.


Search for purchase orders by the creditor's company name.


Search for purchase orders by the creditor's surname.

Authorisation area fields



Authorisation Status / or

Search for purchase orders that have one of these authorisation statuses. See luPurchaseOrderAuthorisationStatus lookup table in the Synergetic Finance manual.

Authoriser Surname

Search for purchase orders authorised by a community member with this surname.

Auth Comment LIKE

Search for purchase orders with an authorisation comment like this one.




Create a new purchase order. See Creating new purchase orders.

Search for a Synergetic ID. You can search for either:

  • creditor
  • item
  • community member who created the purchase order.

Search for a purchase order based on the search criteria you have entered.

Clear all your search criteria so you can start a new search.