Purchase Orders Maintenance - DocMan tab

Use the DocMan tab to view or add documents relating to the purchase order.

 Opening the DocMan tab

To open the DocMan tab:

  1. Select Finance > Purchase Orders from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Search Purchase Orders window is displayed.
  2. Search for a purchase order. See Searching for purchase orders.
    The General Details, Options & Creditor tab of Purchase Orders Maintenance is displayed.
  3. Click the DocMan tab.
    The DocMan tab of Purchase Orders Maintenance is displayed.

Purchase Orders Maintenance - DocMan tab key fields and buttons

Selection area

The selection area consists of:

  • fields used to determine which documents are displayed
  • a button, used when one of the selection fields is changed.





Select the document classification to filter on.

Document Type

Select the document type to filter on.


Type in a description to filter the documents on.

Source Reference

Select the document source reference to filter on. For example, Manual Load.




Refresh the documents displayed after changing the selection fields.

Grid area

The grid area consists of:

  • key fields for each of the documents
  • command links for actions that can be performed for the document.




Created date

Date the document, spreadsheet or picture is imported into Synergetic.

Classification code

Classification of the document

Note: You can maintain document classifications using the luDocumentClassification lookup table. See luDocumentClassification lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.


Meaningful description for the document.


Type of document. Typical examples include:

  • DOC (Word document)
  • JPG (Photo using the Joint Photographic Experts Group format)
  • PDF (Adobe Acrobat file)
  • XLS (Excel spreadsheet).

Note: You can maintain document types using the luDocumentType lookup table. See luDocumentType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Source code

Source of the item. Typical examples include:

  • Archive
  • Magazine
  • Newspaper
  • School Photo.

Note: You can maintain document sources using the luDocumentSourceCode lookup table. See luDocumentSourceCode lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Source date

Date that the source document was created.

For example, if you are importing a historical picture you might specify the date when the picture was taken.

This defaults to the current date and time for new entries.

Source reference

Cross-reference to the source. For example the name, issue date and page of a newspaper where the photograph appeared.




Launch the Add Document window to add a new document.

Command links




View the selected document, photo or spreadsheet in a new browser window.


Edit the details of the selected document, photo or spreadsheet in the Update Document Details window.

See Updating document details in the Introduction manual.


Delete the selected document, photo or spreadsheet from the list of documents. To do this:

  1. Click the Delete command link.

    The following window is displayed.
  2. Click to confirm the deletion.