Course Maintenance - Commission Link Courses tab

Use the Commission Link Courses tab to view courses that share a link for calculating commissions, including:

  • the current course - the course being viewed in Course Maintenance
  • the main course - the course that the current course feeds into
  • other linked courses:
  • courses that feed into the current course
  • courses that feed into the main course.

Commission link courses are used when calculating agent commissions. All enrolments in a commission linked course count towards the enrolments of the course it feeds into.

 Opening the Commission Link Courses tab

To open the Commission Link Courses tab:

  1. Select Module > Students or Assessments > Course Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Course Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the course functions by clicking  or .
  2. Search for the course. See Searching for courses.
    The General tab of the Course Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Commission Link Courses tab.
    The Commission Link Courses tab of the Course Maintenance window is displayed.

Course Maintenance - Commission Link Courses tab key fields and buttons




Course Code

Unique identifier for the course.


Course's description as defined in the General tab. See Course Maintenance - General tab.

Start Date

Date the course commences.

End Date

Date the course finishes.




Launches the Course Maintenance window for the selected course.

Launches the Linked Courses Legend window. This shows the meaning of the different font styles used in the grid.

  • The main course is the course that other courses feed into.
  • The current course is the course currently being viewed in the Course Maintenance window.
  • Other linked courses are courses that also link to the Main Course.