Configuring hot reports

Configuring hot reports

Hot reports are configurable reports that appear in the My Classes and My Timetable grids of the Home window. You can configure multiple reports to be available from a single class row or timetable.

Note: You can also configure hot reports for student attendance windows and accommodation booking windows. See Configuring attendance hot reports and Configuring booking list hot reports.

Hot reports are configured through Synergetic using:

  • the User Report Form Editor
  • the luReportStyle lookup table
  • Configuration File Maintenance.

Creating a hot report
To create a hot report:

  1. Select Module > System > User/Report Form Editor from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Synergetic User/Report Form Editor window is displayed. See Using the User_Report Form Editor in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
  2. Create the report you want to display using the Synergetic User/Report Form Editor. See Report Form Designer in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
  3. Ensure that the Web Enabled field is selected for the report.
  4. Click .
  5. Select Module > System > Lookup Table Maintenance from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Synergetic Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed. See Maintaining lookup tables in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
  6. Find the luReportStyle lookup table. See luReportStyle lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
  7. Add an entry in the luReportStyle lookup table using the report name as the code.
  8. Type in the database view used by the report in the vPrintOverrideViewName field.

    Note: All other fields in the luReportStyle lookup table can be ignored at this point.
  9. Click .
  10. Select Module > System> Configuration File Maintenance from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Synergetic Configuration File Maintenance window is displayed. See Configuration File Maintenance window in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
  11. Find the SynWeb HotReports configuration settings.

    Tip: Type Synweb|HotReports into the search field to find the settings quickly.
  12. Add the appropriate configuration setting:
    • to create a hot report for the My Classes area, see HotReports:MyClasses configuration setting
    • to create a hot report for the My Timetable area, see HotReports:MyTimetable configuration setting.

    Ensure the Key 4 value is unique for each MyClasses or MyTimetable hot report configuration setting.
  13. Type the report name and the report selection criteria into the Value field.

    You need to modify the RecordSelectionFormula to match the view or other SQL object referenced by the selected report.
  14. Click .
    The hot report is ready to use. 

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