Notifications Maintenance - Rules Maintenance tab

Notifications Maintenance - Rules Maintenance tab

Notifications are sent according to notification rules. You can create, maintain and delete notification rules on the Rules Maintenance tab.

 Opening the Rules Maintenance tab

To open the Rules Maintenance tab:

  1. Select System > Notifications Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Rules Maintenance tab of the Notifications Maintenance window is displayed.

Notifications Maintenance - Rules Maintenance tab key fields and buttons

Grid area fields




Unique identifier for the notification rule.


Name of the notification rule.


Method of notification used. Options include:

  • SMS
  • Email.


Type of community members the notification is sent to. Options include:

  • Parents
  • Form Teacher
  • Tutor
  • House Teacher
  • Year Level Coordinator.


Number of incidents before the notification is sent.


Campus that the notification is restricted to.

Absence Types

Absence types the notification is triggered by, if any.


Name of the profile used to send mail.


Subject line of the notification emails. (ensure this is added otherwise there can be a truncation error).


Format of the notification.

Note: Only text notifications are supported.


When the notification process is next scheduled to run.


Tip: Click to reveal the fields for editing.
The files are identical to the grid area fields, except for some additional fields.




Unique name for the notification rule.

Notification Method

Method of notification used, as per the Method field above. Options include:

  • SMS
  • Email.

Notification Source

Whether the notification is triggered by:

  • student Absence Events
  • unsubmitted Attendance records.

SMS Provider

SMS provider used for the notification rule.

Click to maintain the SMS providers on the SMS Providers window.

After No. of Incidents

The number of incidents after which the notification is generated, as per the No. Incidents field above. For example, if an Absence notification has an After No. of Incidents value of 3, notifications are generated after the student's third absence.

Confirm Automatically

Automatically confirm two-way SMS MessageMedia messages.

Note: Can only confirm if SMS content matches code in luAbsenceNotificationReply.

Year Level

Restrict this notification rule to a year level, if applicable.


Type of community members the notification is sent to.

Absence Type

Restrict this notification rule to absences of this Absence Type.


Restrict this notification rule to a campus, if applicable.

Absence Period

Restrict this notification rule to absences that occur during this time period.

Timetable Group

Timetable group the notification rule applies to.

Not when Note Rcvd

Select to only generate notifications if a note has not been received.

Absence Reason

Restrict this notification rule to absences of this Absence Reason.

SQL Mail Profile Name

Name of the profile used to send mail, as per the Profile field above.

Not when Contact Rcvd

Select to only generate notifications if no contact has been made.

Notification Mail BCC

Additional recipients who receive blind carbon copies of the notification.

Attendance Threshold Minutes

Number of minutes after the start of each attendance period after which attendance records are considered late.

For example, if the Attendance Threshold (Minutes) is 15, teachers who have not submitted their attendance records within 15 minutes of the class starting have notifications generated.

Notification Mail Format

Format of the notification, as per the Format field above.

Send Notifications Automatically


  • select to send notifications as they are generated
  • clear to queue notifications for review before sending.

Notification Subject

Subject line of the notification emails.

Notification Text

The body of the email or SMS notification.

Note: You can use replaceable fields to personalise the notification messages. See Creating notifications.




Create a new notification rule. See Creating notifications.

Edit the notification rule. See Creating notifications.

Delete the notification rule.

Schedule when the notification rule should be run.

Send a test notification to yourself to test settings.

Note: Merge fields will not be replaced from the notification subject and text.

Save changes to the notification rule.

Cancel changes to the notification rule.