Configuring notifications

SynWeb can send emails or SMS messages to community members in response to events such as:

  • student absences
  • incomplete attendance records.

Note: You must have the SYS:NotificationsMaint security permissions to maintain notifications. See Maintaining security permissions in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

How to

Create notification rules to automatically send emails or SMS messages to community members. See Creating notifications.

What you can do...

You can...



  • rules from which notifications are generated
  • the schedule for each notification rule.

Notifications Maintenance - Rules Maintenance tab

View notifications before they are sent to recipients and:

  • edit the notification
  • send the notification to the recipient
  • delete the notification.

Notifications Maintenance - Queued Notifications tab

View and delete notifications that have been sent to recipients.

Process SMS replies for two-way SMS messaging.

Display deleted notifications for two-way SMS messaging.