Using the SynWeb toolbar icons

Using the SynWeb toolbar icons

Toolbar icons are displayed on SynWeb maintenance windows below the menu, next to other relevant information for the window. Only relevant icons are displayed.
There are a number of toolbar icons that are common across all programs in SynWeb. In the example below, the medical alert and the special needs alert icons are displayed.

To view the information that the icon is referring to, click on the icon to open the relevant bar. For example, if you click :

  • the Medical bar is expanded
  • you can view the student's public medical details.

Note: If a toolbar icon does not appear, it is because the option is not relevant in the current context. For example, the icon is not displayed unless there are important comments for the student.



Indicates that the student has special needs. Click to open the Flags bar to view or update the student's flags.

Indicates that there is a court order regarding parent's access to the student.
Click to open the Legal bar to view or change the details about the court order.

List the reports that are available.

Indicates that there are important comments about the student. Click to open the Comment bar to view or change the important comments.

Indicates that the parents are separated. Click to open the Legal bar to view or change the details about the family's legal situation.

Medical alert. Click to open the Medical bar to view or update the student's public medical details.

Individual plan. Click to open the Individual Plan bar to view or update the student's individual learning plan.

Anaphylaxis. Indicates that the student suffers from anaphylactic reactions.