Using the Tag List window

Use the Tag List window to create groups of community members that are otherwise unrelated. Tag lists can be:

  • stored
  • loaded
  • added to a class
  • added to a constituency
  • linked to an uploaded document
  • reported to
  • emailed to.


 Opening the Tag List window

To open the Tag List window:

  1. Select Tags (thumbs down) from the SynWeb main menu.

    The Tag List window is displayed.

Tag List window key fields, links and buttons

Grid area fields and links

Field / Link



Select the student or students that you want to manage from the tag list. For example, select one student and click to email only the selected student.


Community member's Synergetic ID.


Community member's name.

Launch Into

SynWeb maintenance program where the community member can be managed.

Note: Click the link to open a new window with the community member's record in the maintenance program.




Search for community members to add to the tag list. See Tagging community members from the Tag List window.

Note: You must enter at least two characters to perform the search.

Delete the selected community member from the tag list. See Deleting community members from the Tag List window.

Delete all community members from the tag list. See Deleting community members from the Tag List window.

Send an email to the selected community members in the tag list. See Sending emails or SMS messages to a community member selected from a grid.

Send an email to all community members in the tag list. See Sending emails or SMS messages to multiple community members from a grid.

Send an SMS to the selected community members in the tag list. See Sending emails or SMS messages to a community member selected from a grid.

Send an SMS to all community members in the tag list. See Sending emails or SMS messages to multiple community members from a grid.

Upload a document link to all community members in the tag list. See Using document management (DocMan).

Load a different tag list as the current tag list. See Loading tag lists.

Import community members into the tag list by copying Synergetic IDs from a spreadsheet. See Creating tag lists from imported Synergetic IDs.

Save the tag list for future use. See Storing tag lists.

Add the tagged community members to a constituency. See Saving tag lists into constituencies.

Add the tagged community members into a class. See Saving tag lists into classes.

Display records that have recently been tagged.

Paging area

Pages of community members can be displayed and navigated to using the buttons and page links.

Note: See Paging:EnabledFlag and Paging:Size configuration settings in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Link / Button


Go to the previous page of community members in the tag list.

In the example, 1136 community members (items) are displayed.


Current page number.


Numbered page. Click on the link to go to the page.

In the example, you can click on pages 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 55, 56 or 57 (last page).

Go to the next page of community members in the tag list.