Budget Analysis Power BI Dashboard

Budget Analysis Power BI Dashboard

You can use the Budget Analysis Power BI Dashboard to view and filter budgetary data including:

  • expenses by cost centre
  • budgeted versus actual expenses
  • revenue versus expenditure.

Note: For information about sharing and downloading Synergetic Power BI Dashboards, see Monitoring Synergetic data using Power BI Dashboards.

Important: You need to be running Synergetic Version 69.49 to use this dashboard.

Budget Analysis Power BI - Interactive dashboard

You can use this interactive dashboard to explore the functionality of the Budget Analysis Power BI Dashboard.

Budget Analysis Power BI Dashboard key buttons


Budget Position

Budget position of your organisation.

Expense Analysis by Cost Centre

Total expenses by Cost Centre.

You can:

  • select a segment of the pie chart to filter the dashboard content
  • hover over a segment of the pie chart to view additional information.
Budget vs Actual Expenses

Budgeted expenses compared to actual expenses.

You can:

  • hover over a bar to view a popup displaying data for the selected year
  • select a bar to filter the dashboard content using the selected year
  • select an item in the legend to filter the dashboard content using the selected item. 
Revenue vs Expenditure

Revenue compared to expenditure throughout the year.

Note: By default, this tile includes information from all years. You can filter the years included using the Year field. See below.

You can:

  • hover over the graph to view a popup displaying the highlighted monthly figure

  • select a line in the graph to filter the dashboard content by year
  • select an item in the legend to filter the dashboard content by revenue or expenditure.

Select one or more years from the drop-down list to filter the entire dashboard by the selected years.

Budget Analysis Power BI Dashboard key buttons


Clear all visualisation filters.

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