Closing off EFT postings

Closing off EFT postings

Close off EFT postings to:

  • create the ABA file
  • send it electronically to the bank
  • send out payment notifications to creditors.

Preparing to close off EFT postings

Before processing creditor payments:

  1. Make sure that the Payment Notify method is correct for each creditor, on the Payment Details tab of Creditor Maintenance. See Creditor Maintenance - Payment Details tab.

    Tip: Also check the creditor's contact details, for example if the creditor receives email notifications, make sure that the creditor's email address is correct.

  2. Make sure that the remittance advice report is formatted correctly:

    Note: You can modify the Crystal Report Crdeftra.rpt, which is located in your Synergy\Reports directory.

  3. Save the report in the Synergy\Reports\Site directory.

 Opening the Close Off Creditor E.F.T. Posting window

To open the Close Off E.F.T. Payments window:

  1. Select Module > Creditors > Close Off E.F.T. Posting.
    The Select Creditor EFT to Process window is displayed.
  2. Select the current creditor EFT posting to close off.
  3. Click.
    The Close Off Creditor E.F.T. Payments window is displayed.

    Tip: You can also access the Close Off Creditor E.F.T. Payments window by clicking .
    Note: If you have created a posting that has not yet been closed off, the program opens with the most recently created posting.

Closing off EFT postings

To close off EFT postings.

  1. Open the Close Off Creditor E.F.T. Posting window.

    Note: To select a different posting, click Other EFTs….

  2. Update the settings as required, including the:

    • Email Settings sub-tab
    • Fax Settings sub-tab.

    Note: You can update the default values for the Email Settings tab and the Fax Settings tab in Finance Configuration Maintenance. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Items/Invoicing tab in the Finance manual.

  3. Click .
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each EFT posting.
    The selected EFT posting is closed off. 

Close Off Creditor E.F.T. Posting window key fields and buttons
Selections area fields



Posting Number

Posting number for the closed transaction.

Posting Date

Date of the posting.


Description of the posting.

Bank Account

Bank account that the payment is issued from.
Refer to Synergetic Financial Configuration - General tab in the System maintenance manual for more information about configuring bank accounts.

Automatic Payment area fields



Create Auto Pay File

Select to create an ABA file.
Clear if you want to process creditor notifications without creating an ABA file. For example, you create the ABA file, but then need to reprint the notifications because your printer has jammed.

User Name

User name assigned by the bank for the ABA service.

Create Balancing Entry

Select to create a balancing entry in the ABA file, based on the requirements of your banking software.

User Code

User code assigned by the bank for the ABA service.

Auto Pay File Name

Name of the ABA file to be created.

Copy to Directory

Location of the ABA file to be created.
Click Browse to select a new location. This directory is used by your banking software to locate the ABA file for processing.

Tip: Make sure that the date and time of the ABA file used by your banking software agrees with the date and time that you closed the EFT postings.

Notifications area fields



Process Email Notifications

Select to send email notifications to all creditors with this payment notification method.

Process Fax Notifications

Select to send fax notifications to all creditors with this payment notification method.

Process Remittance Notifications

Select to send printed remittance notifications to all creditors with this payment notification method.

Email Settings tab fields



Mail Server Name
Mail Server Port

Mail server details for your organisation.

Authentication Type

Authentication protocols required to access the mail server. Values include:

  • Login
  • None.

Note: If login is selected, enter the user name and password required to access the mail server.

Sender Name

Sender's name as displayed on the email.

Sender Email Address

Sender's email address.

CC Email Address

Address a copy of the notification is to be sent to, if required.

Blind CC

Select to send a blind copy instead of a copy.

Fax Settings tab fields



Fax File Name

Name of the file containing the fax notifications.

Copy to Directory

Directory where the fax notifications are stored.




Select to open another posting.
Select Past Creditor EFT Postings to re-process past postings.

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