Overriding the default configuration settings

Overriding the default configuration settings

You can create a configuration file that overrides the standard synergetic.xml configuration file for a particular user. You can use this to run SynWeb on two separate databases at the same time or test different configuration settings. For example, a 'live' database and a 'test' database.
Also see:

Note: Assistance from Synergetic Management Systems is required for the final steps of this procedure. See Contact Synergetic Management Systems in the Introduction manual.

Creating a configuration settings override file

To create an override file:

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the SynwebCfg directory on the server.
  2. Make a copy of the Synergetic.xml file.

    To make a copy easily, select the file and press Ctrl+C, then press Ctrl+V.
  3. Rename the copied file. For example, arose.xml.

    Take note of this filename. Synergetic Management Systems need it to complete the setup.
  4. Open the copied file in Notepad.
  5. Edit the file to create the override settings you want. For example, change the database server used.
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Contact Synergetic Management Systems and request a configuration file override for SynWeb, giving them the name of the configuration file you created in step 3.

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