Pastoral Care Maintenance - Search and create tab

Use the Search and create tab to search for specific students you want to create pastoral care items for.

 Opening the Search and create tab

To open the Search and create tab:

  1. Either:
    • Select Students > Pastoral Care Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    • Click  on the Attendance Maintenance Search Criteria window. See Searching for attendance records in the Attendance manual.
    The Pastoral Care filters tab of the Pastoral Care Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click the Search and create tab.
    The Search and create tab of Pastoral Care Maintenance is displayed.

Pastoral Care Maintenance - Search and create tab key fields and buttons





Type the first few letters of the student's first or last name.

Grid area fields



Student Name

Name of the student.

Student ID

Student's Synergetic ID.


Click the pastoral care icon to create a new pastoral care item for this student. See Creating pastoral care items.




Search for the student.

Common fields
Student grid area fields

The students that fulfil your search or filter criteria are displayed in a grid below the search or filter areas.




Select to expand into the Student Pastoral Care Items sub-grid.


Student's name.

Total Items

Total number of pastoral care items for this student.

Unread by Tutor

Number of pastoral care items that have not been read by the student's tutor.

Unread by Form

Number of pastoral care items that have not been read by the student's form leader.

Unread by House

Number of pastoral care items that have not been read by the student's head of house.

Unread by YLC

Number of pastoral care items that have not been read by the student's year level coordinator.


Click to launch a hot report. See Configuring hot reports in the System maintenance manual.

You can launch either:

  • PDF
  • Spreadsheet
  • Word document.

Create Incident

Click the pastoral care icon to create a new pastoral care incident for this student. See Creating pastoral care items.

Student Pastoral Care Items sub-grid area fields

The Student Pastoral Care Items sub-grid displays the pastoral care items for the selected student.



Item Date

Date the pastoral care item was created.


Staff member who created the pastoral care item.


Class the pastoral care item relates to.


Type of pastoral care item.


Category of the pastoral care item.

Public Details

Public details of the pastoral care item.

Private Details

Private details of the pastoral care item.

Follow Up

Whether the pastoral care item needs to be followed up.


Student's tutor.


Student's form leader.


Student's head of house.


Student's year level coordinator.

Click the edit icon to edit this pastoral care item.

Click the delete icon to delete this pastoral care item.

Mark as read

Select to mark this pastoral care item as read.

Quick Comment

Number of comments this pastoral care item has. Click to add a comment to this pastoral care item.