Searching for pastoral care information

When you open the Pastoral Care Maintenance window from the SynWeb menu the Pastoral Care filters tab is displayed.

Students will be displayed after you have selected one or more filter options. The filters are sorted into date, student and other filters.
In the other filters area select:

  • Unread only to display only students with pastoral care items or comments that are unread
  • Entries only to display only students who have pastoral care items entered.

In the date filter area select the Date From and Date To dates that the pastoral care item falls within. These dates can be automatically selected with the Date Range field. The Date Range field options are:

  • Week, which displays entries within the previous week
  • Month, which displays entries within the previous month
  • Year - yyyy, which displays entries within the entire listed year
  • Term N - yyyy, which displays entries within the selected term
  • To current yr, which displays entries within the current year
  • From 3 yrs ago, which displays all entries that have occurred in the last three years.

The student filter area filters pastoral care items by:

  • Class
  • Tutor
  • Form
  • House
  • Year Level
  • Type, type of pastoral care entry
  • Category, category of pastoral care entry
  • Action Type, the type of action taken as a result of the pastoral care item.

Tip: You can also select Show Photos to display photos of the students.

Select the icon to open the Pastoral Care Item window for the student. See Pastoral Care - Details tab.