Viewing values cached by the Community Portal

You can use the Community Portal Server Cache Keys window to view the lookup table, data table and configuration setting values currently cached by the Community Portal server.

 Opening the Community Portal Server Cache Keys

To open the Community Portal Server Cache Keys window:

  1. Click Cache Keys in the Admin Panel.

    The Community Portal Server Cache Keys window is displayed.

Community Portal Server Cache Keys key fields

Tip: You can click to filter the displayed keys and values.


Description of the field used to define and sort data on the Community Portal. These keys are derived from lookup tables, data tables or configuration settings.

For example, sessionscope.18526.18526.configmanager.getconfigvalue.communityportal|pages|logout|onlogoutandsessionexpire.login.aspx shows the key used for the OnLogoutAndSessionExpire configuration setting.


Value assigned to the key.

For example, the OnLogoutAndSessionExpire configuration setting has a value of login.aspx to instruct the Community Portal to return to the Login page when users logout or sessions expire.