Manually adding custom levels to curriculum frameworks

Manually adding custom levels to curriculum frameworks

To manually add custom levels to an existing curriculum framework:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Select the curriculum framework in the Curriculum Framework area.

  3. Click  in the Curriculum Area Group grid area.
    A new curriculum area group is added to the grid area.

  4. Type a code for the curriculum area group into the Code field. 

  5. Type a description for the curriculum area group into the Description field.

  6. Click  in the Curriculum Area grid area.
    A new curriculum area is added to the grid area.
  7. Type a code for the curriculum area into the Code field.

  8. Type a description for the curriculum area into the Description field.

  9. Select the Summarise field to indicate that the results are to be summarised at level 2 rather than broken down to each level 3 entry. 

  10. Click  in the Strand/Mode grid area.
    A new strand/mode is added to the grid area.

  11. Type a code into the Dimension Code field.

  12. Type a description into the Description field.

  13. Type the minimum value that the strand, mode or dimension can be assigned by the calculation into the Result Min field.

  14. Type the maximum value that the strand, mode or dimension can be assigned by the calculation into the Result Max field.

  15. Click .

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