Pacific Language Learning (PLL) - Level

Pacific Language Learning (PLL) - Level

The highest level of Pacific language learning the student is involved in.

To allocate a code to an individual student, start at the top of the list and work down. Use the first code that applies to this student.

Pacific Language Learning (PLL) - Level codes

The following levels are used in the NZMOE tab of Current Student Maintenance:




Student not involved in Pacific Medium Education


Student is taught in the specified Pacific Language for more than 20 and up to 25 hrs per week (81-100% of total time)


Student is taught in the specified Pacific Language for more than 12.5 and up to 20 hrs per week (51-80% of total time)


Student is taught in the specified Pacific Language for more than 7.5 and up to 12.5 hrs per week (31-50% of total time)


Student is taught in the specified Pacific Language for more than 3 and up to 7.5 hrs per week (12-30% of total time)

Lookup table
Levels are defined in the luLanguageLevel lookup table. See:

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