Creating payment plans using automatic tuition

Creating payment plans using automatic tuition

To create payment plans using automatic tuition:

  1. Open the Automatic Tuition window. See Automatic tuition.
  2. Populate the following Selections area fields:

    • Process as at Date
    • Date to Appear on Transactions
    • Period Number (Term)
    • From Year Level
    • To Year Level.

    Tip: You can test your settings by running the program with the Is this a What If run? field selected. Until this field is deselected the Posting Details area will not be active and Automatic tuition will not process live.

  3. Deselect the Is this a What If run when you are ready to process automatic tuition live.
    The Posting Details area becomes editable.
  4. Populate the following Posting Details area fields:

    • Posting date
    • Description.

  5. Click .
    The Instalments tab is updated with an incomplete instalment plan. See Debtor Maintenance - Instalments tab in the Debtors manual.