Creating new GL chart of accounts codes

Creating new GL chart of accounts codes

To create a new chart of accounts entry:

  1. Either:
    • click on the Set Chart of Accounts Search Criteria window
    • click on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance toolbar
    • select File > New from the main menu
    • right click on the Chart of Accounts Selector grid and select New
    • press Ctrl + N.
    The Create New COA Code - Chart of Accounts window is displayed.
  2. Type in the general ledger chart of account details.
  3. Click .
    The Create New COA Code - Create GL Codes window is displayed.
  4. If required, change the G/L Year.
    The window is redisplayed for the general ledger year specified.
  5. Select one or more of the new general ledger codes that you want to have automatically created.
  6. Click .
    Note: Once a new general ledger chart of account code is added, you can maintain other information about the code in Chart of Account Maintenance. See Maintaining the general ledger chart of accounts.
    Tip: You can use the and buttons to navigate between the two windows.

Create New COA Code - Chart of Accounts window key fields



COA Code

Unique code for the COA.


Description of the chart of accounts code.

Account Type

Type of account. For example, profit and loss or balance sheet.

Tax Code

The tax code that applies to this chart of accounts code.
This field is optional.

Classification Code

The classification code, such as income, expense or asset that applies to this chart of accounts code.
This field is optional.

Heading Level

The position within a list of headings that this COA would normally be reported on.
Note: Heading levels are defined in the lookup table luGeneralLedgerHeadingLevel and are used in the reports GLCOADIV and GLCOAPL. A hierarchy of headings can be used in the following format: 1-22-333.

Create New COA Code - Create G/L Codes window key fields and buttons




G/L Year

General ledger year that the chart of accounts apply to.



Select all the general ledger cost centre codes displayed in the window.
Your selections are used along with the new chart of accounts code to create a set of general ledger codes.

Clear all the selections made in the window.

Restore the default selections.

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