Previewing detailed BAS figures

Previewing detailed BAS figures

To preview detailed BAS figures without updating the general ledger:

  1. Select Module > General Ledger > Business Activity Statement.
    The Process Business Activity Statement window is displayed.
  2. Select Include Payroll Figures, if you would like to payroll figures in the W1 and W2 sections of the BAS.

    Note: You must be able to authenticate into the payroll system to get these figures.

  3. Select Preview Business Activity Statement Only.
  4. Enter a date range.
  5. Select Detailed Report.
  6. If required, select an Individual B.A.S. Section to process.
  7. Click .
    All the journals that make up your selection are displayed. 

Resolving discrepancies in the BAS

A number of discrepancies can arise in the BAS:

  • Manual journals and manual allocations to tax accounts, and rounding discrepancies
  • General ledger allocations are tax not applicable instead of tax free.

Manual journals and manual allocations to tax accounts, and rounding discrepancies

The reason that the figures may appear different in G9 and G20 is because the figure you may expect is a straight division of G8 and G19 respectively.

The figures displayed are the actual figures from the tax on income/expense accounts. Any manual journals or allocations to the tax accounts and even rounding can cause these figures to be different. You may notice that on the calculation sheet the Use manual totalling on this page option is selected. This indicates that the actual figures to be submitted are different to the calculated ones.

If you want to see the figures that make up the actual amounts, perform a detailed analysis of the 1A and 1B figures. These are the figures that are actually submitted to the taxation office.

General ledger allocations are tax not applicable instead of tax free

There can also be discrepancies due to general ledger allocations being put through as tax not applicable instead of tax free. Any allocations of Tax N will not appear on the BAS calculation sheet. Reasons can include:

  • In the early stages of an implementation some of the general ledger codes may not have had the tax code set up correctly.
  • An operator could also have put something through as Tax N/A instead of Tax free without realising the implications.

This is not a real problem if that is the case, as the N tax code and the tax free codes do not affect the GST Payable and Credit amounts. The calculation sheet is just that - a calculation sheet, it is the front sheet that counts.

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