General ledger classification codes

General ledger classification codes

General ledger classification codes are used to determine which side of the BAS the relative account falls on.
Assuming the field has only BAS implications, SynergyMeaning is the important field.
Note: See the SynergyMeaning field in the finance lookup table luTaxClassification lookup table.

  • General Ledger classification of INCOME = Supply on the BAS - EXPENSE = Acquisition.
  • If neither INCOME nor EXPENSE is defined then Debtor Charges and Receipts = Supply and Creditors = Acquisition.
  • Only define a classification of INCOME or EXPENSE against a General Ledger account if entries must only appear as a Supply or an Acquisition on the BAS. Expense and Income classification codes are fairly self-explanatory. Classifications with a Synergy Meaning of Expense will default to being an acquisition on the BAS. Those with Income will default to being a supply.
  • General ledger classification of ASSET and transaction creditors sourced will appear as an Asset Acquisition on the BAS.
  • The Asset / Fixed Asset code in the luGeneralLedgerClassification table operates by itself, splitting the source transactions between the income and expense side of the BAS. Will go to:
  • Income (Supply) if processed through Debtors or Receipts
  • Expense (Acquisition) if processed through Creditors.
  • Tax codes can be overridden at the source level but the default on the account should be the most usual treatment that is applied. There are a number of pure expense accounts where you will need to override the account level tax setting. For example, the "raw food" account in catering which picks up food purchases.
  • The accumulated funds and liability classifications are for your internal use only - they will not appear on the BAS (unless a tax code is used on a source transaction going to an account with this classification - in which case the subsystem will determine whether it is a Supply or an Acquisition).
  • If the Classification does not have a Synergy Meaning, or is not selected and the Tax Code is not applicable (and the tax code is not overridden at the source level) then the transaction/journal will not appear on the BAS.
  • Wages accounts can be left in the expense category with tax code N, just in case there are some non-payroll journals passed to these accounts. All Payroll sourced entries will not appear on the BAS. However entries from other sub-systems, or General Ledger Journals may need to have a BAS implication (the General Ledger default will then be used - although it can be overridden).
  • The four GST clearing accounts should be not selected / not applicable for category and tax code, although the BAS process will probably ignore these accounts anyway.
  • Do not post directly to the GST control accounts.

Debtors examples
Normal Tuition - no GST applicable
Fee code TS07 - amount $6,810

GL Code





Fees - Tuition



Results in:

DR Debtors


CR Fees - Tuition


Boarding Fees - no GST applicable
Fee code TBDRB07 - amount $6,990

GL Code





Boarding Fees



Results in:

DR Debtors


CR Boarding Fees


Boarding Fees - GST on meals
Fee code TBDRB07 - amount $6,990

GL Code





Boarding Fees




Boarding Fees (Meals)



Results in:

DR Debtors


CR Boarding Fees


CR Boarding Fees (Meals)


CR Tax On Income Control


Creditors example
Purchase of stationery - GST included on line items
Invoice total amount $ 330.00




Allocated to G/L




1025 (Devel Office - Stationery)

Photocopy paper

20 reams


241 (General Admin Stationery)

Results in:

DR Devel Office Stationery


DR General Admin Stationery


DR Tax On Expenses Control


CR Creditors Control


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